Andrew Thomas Reyes (Nursing), Christopher Kearney (Psychology), and Ross Bryant (Military and Veteran Services Center) published an article "Student Veterans’ Construction and Enactment of Resilience: A Constructivist Grounded Theory Study" and was considered as a top cited article for 2018-19 in the Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health…
Angela Amar (Nursing), Kathryn Laughon (University of Virginia), Tina Bloom (University of Missouri) and Katrina Debnam (University of Virginia) recently published "Conceptualizing an Approach to Secondary Prevention of Relationship Violence Among College Students"  in the Journal of American College Health. The article…
Sean Slattery (Art) is included in the Mojave Madness group exhibition at the Yucca Valley Visual & Performing Arts Center, Feb. 8 - April 12. This show, curated by Michael McCall, includes more than 40 artists responding to life in the desert.
Stephen M. Miller (Center for Business and Economic Research) recently published a paper titled "Is Real Per Capita State Personal Income stationary? New Nonlinear, Asymmetric Panel‐Data Evidence" in the Bulletin of Economic Research with co-authors Furkan Emirmahmutoglu, Rangan Gupta, and Tolga Omay. This paper appears in the January issue.
Tirth Bhatta (Sociology) and colleagues published "Intersectional Effects of Gender, Education, and Geographic Region on Functional Health Disparities Among Older Adults in India" in the Journal of Aging and Health.  
Jeff Schauer (History) published an invited blog post, "An Ecological Anomaly: Wildlife Policy on the Northern Rhodesian Copperbelt," on the Oxford University-based, European Research Council-funded Comparing the Copperbelt project site. Comparing the Copperbelt combines the efforts of transnational and borderlands scholars of the colonial and…
Stephen Bates (Journalism and Media Studies) is the author of an article in American Journalism: A Journal of Media History, "Prejudice and the Press Critics: Colonel Robert McCormick’s Assault on the Hutchins Commission." He also was interviewed about the article for the journal website. Bates's book on the Commission on Freedom of…
Rei Serafica (Nursing) recently obtained his Certified Nurse Educator (CNE) credentials from the National League for Nursing (NLN). The academic nurse educator certification was created by the NLN to establish nursing education as a specialty area of practice and create a means for faculty to demonstrate their expertise in this role. Obtaining a…
Jungsun "Sunny" Kim and Anthony Gatling (both Hospitality) recently published their paper, "Impact of Employees’ Job, Organizational and Technology Fit on Engagement and Organizational Citizenship Behavior", in Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology. The results suggest that three person-environment (PE) fit dimensions (i.e., person-job,…

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