Honors College brings together an innovative, talented, award-winning group of faculty and staff to create the very best experience for our students. In addition to the outstanding faculty listed below, other accomplished faculty from various discipline departments teach our HON 400-level seminar courses offered every semester.

Lisa Menegatos, Ph.D.

Lisa Menegatos photo
Mail Code: 7003
Phone: 702-895-2263

Maria Jerinic, Ph.D.

Associate Dean and Associate Professor in Residence
Maria Jerinic headshot
Mail Code: 7003
Phone: 702-895-0410

Bryan Blankfield, Ph.D.

Associate Professor in Residence, Communication Studies
Bryan Blankfield
Mail Code: 7003
Phone: 702-895-1001

Bryan Bornholdt, Ph.D.

Associate Professor in Residence, Mathematics
Bryan Bornholdt
Mail Code: 7003
Phone: 702-895-1098

Dan Bubb, Ph.D.

Associate Professor in Residence, Coordinator of Academic Affairs
Portrait of Dan Bubb
Mail Code: 7003
Phone: 702-895-1571

Michael Chin, M.F.A.

Assistant Professor in Residence, English
Headshot of Michael Chin
Mail Code: 7003
Phone: 702-895-2390

Jaclyn Costello, MFA

Associate Professor in Residence
Jaclyn Costello headshot
Mail Code: 7003
Phone: 702-895-2359

William Doyle, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor in Residence, English
William Doyle headshot
Mail Code: 7003
Phone: 702-895-1023

Michael Green, Ph.D.

Professor, Department Chair
Outdoor picture of Mike Green
Mail Code: 5020
Phone: 702-895-3351

Ursula Kamanga, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor in Residence, Communication Studies
Photo of Ursula Kamanga
Mail Code: 7003
Phone: 702-895-1622

Joanna Kepka, Ph.D.

Associate Professor in Residence, Political Geography
Headshot of Joanna Kepka
Mail Code: 7003
Phone: 702-895-2348

Heather Lusty, Ph.D.

Associate Professor in Residence, English
heather's lusty photo
Phone: 702-895-1103

Cian T. McMahon, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, History
Cian T. McMahon
Mail Code: 5020
Phone: 702-895-4025

William Sipe, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor in Residence, Communication Studies
Portrait of William Sipe
Mail Code: 7003
Phone: 702-895-4234

Jessica Aguilera

Executive Assistant
jessica bradley's photo
Mail Code: 7003
Phone: 702-895-0235

Daniel Coyle

Director of Communications
Daniel Coyle headshot
Mail Code: 7003
Phone: 702-895-2257

Kristina Hanson

Assistant Director of Honors Recruitment & Admission
kristina hanson's photo
Mail Code: 7003
Phone: 702-895-3085

Charles Javier

Associate Director of Development, Honors College
photo of charles javier
Office: CDC-01 101
Mail Code: 7003
Phone: 702-895-2933

Dany Provident

Office Manager
Dany Provident photo
Phone: 702-895-2263

Rachel Ali Rodriguez, Ph.D.

Academic Advisor/Counselor
Headshot of Rachel Ali Rodriguez
Mail Code: 7003
Phone: 702-895-1519

Derek Sommer

Associate Director of Advising
Derek Sommer
Mail Code: 7003
Phone: 702-895-2268

Tony Terrell, Ph.D.

Director of Advising and Recruitment
Headshot of Tony Terrell
Mail Code: 7003
Phone: 702-774-4578

Marlon Urquico

Assistant Director of Advising, RPC Management & Initiatives
Marlon Urquico
Mail Code: 7003
Phone: 702-895-2263

Mary Vance, Ph.D.

First-Year & Second-Year Success Coordinator
Photo of Mary Vance
Mail Code: 7003
Phone: 702-895-1159

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