Degrees Directory

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Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Department of Geoscience
School of Life Sciences
  • Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences
    Available Options:
    • Concentration in Cell and Molecular Biology
    • Concentration in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
    • Concentration in Integrative Physiology
    • Concentration in Microbiology
    • Concentration in Pre-Professional Studies
  • Minor in Biological Sciences
  • Master of Science - Biological Sciences
    Available Options:
    • Cellular and Molecular Biology Track
    • Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Track
    • Integrative Physiology Track
    • Microbiology Track
    • Quantitative Biology and Bioinformatics Track
  • Doctor of Philosophy - Biological Sciences
    Available Options:
    • Post-Bachelor’s – Cellular and Molecular Biology Track
    • Post-Bachelor’s – Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Track
    • Post-Bachelor’s – Integrative Physiology Track
    • Post-Bachelor’s – Microbiology Track
    • Post-Bachelor's – Quantitative Biology and Bioinformatics Track
    • Post-Master’s Track
  • Doctor of Philosophy - Neuroscience Interdisciplinary
    Available Options:
    • Post-Bachelor's Track
    • Post-Master's Track
Department of Mathematical Sciences
  • Bachelor of Arts in Mathematical Sciences
  • Bachelor of Science in Mathematical Sciences
    Available Options:
    • Concentration in Actuarial Science
  • Minor in Actuarial Science
  • Minor in Mathematics
  • Minor in Statistics
  • Master of Arts - Economics and Master of Science - Mathematical Sciences Dual Degree
  • Master of Science - Mathematical Sciences
    Available Options:
    • Pure Mathematics – Thesis Track
    • Pure Mathematics – Comprehensive Exam Track
    • Applied Mathematics – Thesis Track
    • Applied Mathematics – Comprehensive Exam Track
    • Applied Statistics – Thesis Track
    • Applied Statistics – Comprehensive Exam Track
    • Teaching Mathematics – Professional Paper Track
    • Teaching Mathematics – Comprehensive Exam Track
    • Computational Mathematics - Thesis Track
    • Computational Mathematics - Comprehensive Exam Track
  • Doctor of Philosophy - Mathematical Sciences
    Available Options:
    • Post-Bachelor’s – Pure Mathematics Track
    • Post-Bachelor’s – Statistics Track
    • Post-Bachelor’s – Computational Mathematics Track
    • Post-Bachelor’s – Applied Mathematics Track
    • Post-Master’s – Applied Mathematics Track
    • Post-Master’s – Computational Mathematics Track
    • Post-Master’s – Pure Mathematics Track
    • Post-Master’s – Statistics Track
Department of Physics and Astronomy