The Bachelor of Science in General Science degree allows for curriculum flexibility to support advancing careers in science fields. This degree is designed for current and returning students who desire flexibility within the sciences to accommodate existing STEM coursework. This major can assist students who are seeking careers in health care, STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) education, natural resource and energy utilization, and wildlife management.
For information regarding accreditation at UNLV, please head over to Academic Program Accreditations.
Learning Outcomes
- Identify the fundamental principles of the natural and health sciences.
- Apply the research methods and theoretical models of the natural and health sciences to define, solve, and evaluate problems.
- Identify problems, articulate questions or hypotheses, and determine the need for information.
- Access and collect the needed information from appropriate primary and secondary sources.
- Use quantitative methods, including the ability to recognize assumptions, draw inferences, make deductions, and interpret information to analyze problems in context, and then draw conclusions.
- Recognize the complexity of problems, and identify different perspectives from which problems and questions can be viewed.
- Evaluate and report on conclusions, including discussing the basis for and strength of findings, and identify areas where further inquiry is needed.
- Identify, analyze, and evaluate reasoning, and construct and defend reasonable arguments and explanations.
- Prepare and deliver effective oral presentations.
- Collaborate effectively with others to share information, solve problems, and complete tasks.
Career Possibilities
With proper course planning to take advantage of curriculum flexibility, this degree could prepare students for the following careers: agricultural and food scientists, atmospheric scientists and meteorologists, biological and chemical technicians, chemists and materials scientists, conservation scientists, environmental science and protection technicians, environmental scientists and specialists, forensic science technicians, geographers, geologists and hydrologic technicians, geoscientists, microbiologists, nuclear technicians, zoologists, and wildlife biologists.
General Science (BS)
The Bachelor of Science (BS) in General Science degree allows for curriculum flexibility to support advancing careers in science fields. This degree is designed for current and returning students who desire flexibility within the sciences to accommodate existing STEM coursework. This major can assist students who are seeking careers in health care, STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) education, natural resource and energy utilization, and wildlife management.
Please see the UNLV College of Sciences web page for information about programs, faculty and facilities. Degree worksheets and 4/5 year plan for the major are available on the UNLV Degrees Directory.
Learning Outcomes
- Identify the fundamental principles of the natural and health sciences.
- Apply the research methods and theoretical models of the natural and health sciences to define, solve, and evaluate problems.
- Identify problems, articulate questions or hypotheses, and determine the need for information.
- Access and collect the needed information from appropriate primary and secondary sources.
- Use quantitative methods, including the ability to recognize assumptions, draw inferences, make deductions, and interpret information to analyze problems in context, and then draw conclusions.
- Recognize the complexity of problems, and identify different perspectives from which problems and questions can be viewed.
- Evaluate and report on conclusions, including discussing the basis for and strength of findings, and identify areas where further inquiry is needed.
- Identify, analyze, and evaluate reasoning, and construct and defend reasonable arguments and explanations.
- Prepare and deliver effective oral presentations.
- Collaborate effectively with others to share information, solve problems, and complete tasks.
Admissions Requirements/Special Information
30 credits at UNLV or transferred from another institution; GPA 2.5 or greater; and placement into
Students seeking admittance to the General Science major must meet with an academic advisor in the College of Sciences Advising Center. Students who meet the minimum requirements will be granted permission to declare the major.
Transfer Policies
The college urges all transfer students to meet an advisor without delay after admission in order to evaluate the applicability of previous course work to department majors and graduation requirements. Biology, chemistry, physics, and math transfer courses will be accepted to fill specific degree requirements only with a grade of C or better.
Please see advising information at the UNLV College of Sciences Advising Center.
For information regarding accreditation at UNLV, please head over to Academic Program Accreditations.
University Graduation Requirements
Please see
for complete information.General Science (BS) Degree Requirements - Total Credits: 120
General Education - Subtotal: 32-42 Credits
First-Year Seminar - Credits: 2-3
English Composition - Credits: 6
Second-Year Seminar - Credits: 3
Constitutions - Credits: 3-6
Fulfilled by Major Requirements
Distribution Requirements - Credit: 18
Please see
for more information.Multicultural and International - Credits: 0-6
Multicultural, one 3 credit course required
International, one 3 credit course required
These courses may overlap with general education and major requirements. A single course may not meet the multicultural and international requirements simultaneously. Visit the Provost webpage for the list of approved Multicultural and International courses.
Major Requirement - General Science BS - Subtotal: 79-82 Credits
- Math Choice
- MATH 126 - Precalculus I
- and
- MATH 127 - Precalculus II
- or
- MATH 181 - Calculus I
- Science Choice
- BIOL 190A - Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology
- BIOL 190L - Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory
- BIOL 191A - Introduction to Organismal Biology
- BIOL 191L - Introduction to Organismal Biology Laboratory
- CHEM 121A - General Chemistry I
- CHEM 121L - General Chemistry Laboratory I
- CHEM 122A - General Chemistry II
- CHEM 122L - General Chemistry Laboratory II
- PHYS 151A - General Physics I
- PHYS 151L - General Physics I Lab
- PHYS 152A - General Physics II
- PHYS 152L - General Physics II Lab
- GEOL or GEOG 100-level course
- Statistics Choice
- STAT 152 - Introduction to Statistics
- STAT 391 - Applied Statistics for Biological Sciences
- STAT 491 - Statistics for Scientists I
- Upper Division Writing Class
- ENG 405B - Research and Editing
- or
- ENG 407A - Fundamentals of Business Writing
- or
- ENG 407B - Fundamentals of Technical Writing
- or
- ENG 407C - Advanced Professional Communication
- Senior Seminar, Culminating Experience
- SCI 496 - General Science Senior Seminar
STEM Electives
6 credits can be lower division
- General Upper Division Electives (300-400 level)
General Electives - Subtotal: 2-8 Credits
Total Credits: 120
1. At least 40 credits must be earned at the upper-division level (300 and above)
College of Sciences
The School of Life Sciences offers programs that meet the needs of students intending to enter the workforce or pursue advanced training in the sciences, medicine, and other professional and technical fields. We provide a well-rounded foundation in natural, physical, and mathematical sciences that can set students up for successful careers and professional programs.