The Ph.D. degree in chemistry is primarily a research-based program that includes sufficient advanced course work to provide a strong background from which students may pursue forefront research, under the direct guidance of a faculty member, in their chosen areas of interest. The program is designed to develop the professional skills required to function as an independent researcher in chemistry.
Available Options
Post-Bachelor’s Track
Post-Master’s Track
Biochemistry (Post-Bachelor's Track)
Biochemistry (Post-Master's Track)
For information regarding accreditation at UNLV, please head over to Academic Program Accreditations.
Learning Outcomes
- Technical Competency
- Thesis Committees will assess the technical competency of students based on their performance in programmatic courses identified by each committee as appropriate to the student, as well as their performance in a research setting.
- Communication Skills
- Assessed by Thesis Committees and other who evaluate student performance on seminars, prospectus, oral and written reports, papers presented and/or submitted, and thesis.
- Analytical and/or Critical Thinking Skills
- Assessed by Thesis Committees and other who evaluate student performance on seminars, prospectus, oral and written reports, publication reviews, papers presented and/or submitted, and thesis.
- Expertise
- Thesis presentation, written and oral. Assessed by Thesis Committees.
Career Possibilities
A Ph.D. degree, the terminal degree in the field of chemistry, provides a wide variety of career opportunities performing forefront research in areas as diverse as chemistry, materials research, renewable energy studies, the petroleum industry, the food industry, pharmaceuticals, and environmental studies, as well as many others. Furthermore, a Ph.D. degree is generally required to obtain a university faculty position to help educate the next generation of scientists.
Doctor of Philosophy - Chemistry
Plan Description
The Ph.D. degree in chemistry is primarily a research-based program that includes sufficient advanced course work to provide a strong background from which students may pursue forefront research, under the direct guidance of a faculty member, in their chosen areas of interest. The program is designed to develop the professional skills required to function as an independent researcher in chemistry and biochemistry.
For more information about your program, including your graduate program handbook and learning outcomes please visit the Degree Directory.
Plan Admission Requirements
Applications available on the UNLV Graduate College website.
All domestic and international applicants must review and follow the Graduate College Admission and Registration Requirements.
(a) Graduate College Admission Requirements
- Completed application in the Application Portal and non-refundable application fee.
- Bachelor's Degree – You must hold a four-year baccalaureate from a regionally accredited institution or an approved equivalent.
- Post-Master's tracks require a regionally accredited Master's degree.
- Grade Point Average – You must have a minimum overall grade point average of 2.75 (4.00=A) for the bachelor's degree or a minimum 3.00 (4.00=A) for the last two years (60 semester credits).
- All applicants are required to submit an unofficial transcript from each postsecondary institution attended, showing all degrees and coursework, the dates awarded, and grades received. Official transcripts required upon admission.
- Credentials not in English must be accompanied by an English translation certified as true by a university official, an official representative of a United States embassy or consulate, the United States Information Service, the United States Education Foundation, or an approved professional translating service. Notarized copies of originals or translations are not considered official.
(b) Department Admission Requirements
For preferential consideration, please submit materials for Fall semester admission by February 1, and for Spring semester, by October 1.
- Admission to the Ph. D. degree program in Chemistry requires a regionally accredited B. S. degree or a M. S. degree in Biochemistry, Chemistry, Biology, or a related discipline.
- A minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.00, on a 4.0 scale, for all undergraduate or graduate work is required for admission to the program.
- A statement of interest from the applicant. A letter of application should state interests and goals for graduate study. This is a 1-2 page essay describing the applicant's reasons for considering graduate study, goals after completion of the graduate degree, and the applicant's specific areas of interest.
- The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry requires three letters of recommendation from persons familiar with the academic record of the applicant. Each letter should detail the potential of the applicant for advanced graduate work in Chemistry or Biochemistry.
- Optional submission of the General Graduate Record Exam (GRE) Test score. Applications without graduate exam scores will not be penalized, but favorable scores will enhance applications.
- Include a CV or resume.
Students are accepted into a degree program as described in the Graduate Catalog. The faculty and corresponding sub-disciplines and sub-plans within the described programs are subject to change at any time.
Plan Requirements
Subplan 1 Requirements: Post-Bachelor's-Chemistry
Course Requirements
Graduate Seminar Course – Credits: 5
Complete 5 credits of graduate seminar courses in CHEM 691 or CHEM 791 or combination of both. A minimum of 3 presentations are required in graduate seminar in CHEM 691 or CHEM 791 or combination of both.
Coursework Elective Courses – Credits: Minimum of 12
A minimum of 12 credits of advisor-approved coursework electives. These courses may include but are not limited to:
- CHEM 710 - Environmental Aquatic Chemistry
- CHEM 715 - Environmental Organic Chemistry
- CHEM 725 - Advanced Organic Chemistry
- CHEM 726 - Organic Synthesis
- CHEM 735 - Advanced Physical Chemistry
- CHEM 745 - Instrumental Analysis-Inorganic
- CHEM 749 - Polymer Chemistry
- CHEM 750 - Quality Assurance and Statistics
- CHEM 775 - Bioanalytical Environmental Toxicology
- CHEM 783 - Spectral Interpretation
- CHEM 793 - Special Topics
Research Elective Courses – Credits: 31
Complete 31 credits of advisor-approved research electives. These courses may include but are not limited to:
Dissertation – Credits: 12
Degree Requirements
- Doctoral students in Chemistry are required to complete a minimum of 60 credits beyond the baccalaureate.
- All students are required to maintain a minimum a 3.00 grade point average in all graduate-level courses. Two grades of B- are permitted in the degree program as long as the GPA remains at or above 3.00. One grade of C+ or lower will result in academic probation even if the overall GPA is above 3.0. Two grades of C+ or lower will result in automatic suspension or separation from the program.
- All students must meet with their advisory committee on a yearly basis, and all students must complete an annual evaluation form.
- A dissertation advisor must be chosen by the end of the first semester, and the Doctoral Advisory Committee must be appointed prior to the end of the second semester. An approved graduate degree program must be filed prior to the beginning of the third semester of enrollment. All students must meet these deadlines; failure to do so will result in academic probation. Failure of a student on academic probation to meet these requirements within the next semester could result in separation from the program.
- The Doctoral Advisory Committee must consist of the faculty advisor (chair), chemistry graduate faculty in the discipline of study, one additional chemistry graduate faculty member, and one graduate-college representative from outside the department. Failure to identify an advisor and form this committee will result in the student being placed on academic probation. The use of committee members external to UNLV is allowed with approval from the examination committee. External members without graduate faculty status at UNLV will be non-voting members of the Ph.D. examination committee.
- All students are required to schedule an interview with the advisor either before or during the first semester of study. If the student does not select an advisor, the Graduate Coordinator will assign a temporary advisor. The purpose of the initial interview is to develop a plan of course work for the first year.
- All students are required to schedule a diagnostic interview with the Doctoral Advisory Committee before the end of the 2nd semester. The purpose of the interview is to develop a list of recommended courses and design the student's degree program, which must be submitted prior to completing 16 credits of course work toward the degree.
- All students must prepare a dissertation proposal for a Proposal Defense Examination. The student should register for the Dissertation Prospectus course. This examination must be completed prior to the end of the fourth semester. To remain in good standing students are required to develop and defend a dissertation prospectus no later than the fourth semester of enrollment. If a student does not defend a dissertation prospectus they will be placed on academic probation. The Proposal Defense Examination focuses on the dissertation proposal and the student's ability to perform the research. It includes a formal oral presentation of the student's dissertation proposal, research to date, and questions by the dissertation advisory committee on the dissertation topic. The Proposal Defense Examination is to be taken prior to the Comprehensive Examination.
- Advancement to Candidacy. Students will advance to candidacy if the Comprehensive Examination is passed and the enrolled coursework is successfully completed based on the evaluation of the students Doctoral Advisory Committee. The comprehensive exam will consist of written and oral components as defined by the Ph.D. Examination Committee. Satisfactory performance on the Comprehensive Examination requires that Ph.D. students have a basic knowledge of the discipline of study. It also requires the student to follow the guidelines established for each discipline (i.e., Biochemistry, Physical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry and Organic Chemistry). The student's Doctoral Advisory Committee or the faculty from the discipline of study will determine the format and content of both the written and oral exams.
- The Ph.D. Examination Committee will determine if the student passes the Comprehensive Examination. If a student fails any part of the Comprehensive Examination, the Ph.D Examination Committee will determine if the student is allowed to retake the portion of the comprehensive exam that is not passed.
- Students who fail to pass any part of the Comprehensive Examination or Proposal Defense on the first attempt must successfully complete a second attempt (as specified by the Ph.D. Examination Committee) within the next six months to remain in the program.
- Failure to advance to candidacy by the end of the sixth semester of enrollment will result in the student being placed on academic probation. Failure to advance to candidacy by the end of the seventh semester will result in the student being separated from the program.
- Students who enter the program with a baccalaureate degree and who fail the second examination may be allowed to continue as a Master of Science student with the consent of the Doctoral Advisory Committee.
- A student who has successfully passed both the Proposal Defense and Comprehensive Examinations will advance to candidacy for the Ph.D. degree.
- After advancement, subsequent years of study will be required for the graduate student to complete their degree. The duration of this period will depend on the success of the research project as defined by the Doctoral Advisory Committee.
- Completed coursework will only be counted towards the graduation requirements of this program for eight years if the student completed a baccalaureate degree. It is recommended that students publish at least one research-based manuscript in a peer-reviewed journal prior to graduation.
- Satisfactory performance on the final examination will consist of the presentation and defense of the dissertation research. The defense will consist of an oral presentation open to the public, a short period of questions from the public, a closed session of questions from the Doctoral Advisory Committee, and a closed deliberation and vote by just the Doctoral Advisory Committee members. Any graduate faculty member may attend the closed session of questions of the defense.
- It is expected that each student be a teaching assistant for a minimum of two courses prior to graduation. It is also expected that each student publish research-based manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals.
Graduation Requirements
Subplan 2 Requirements: Post-Master's-Chemistry
Course Requirements
Graduate Seminar Course – Credits: 5
Complete 5 credits of graduate seminar courses in CHEM 691 or CHEM 791 or combination of both. A minimum of 3 presentations are required in graduate seminar in CHEM 691 or CHEM 791 or combination of both.
Elective Courses – Credits: 13
Complete 13 credits of advisor-approved electives. These courses may include but are not limited to:
- CHEM 710 - Environmental Aquatic Chemistry
- CHEM 715 - Environmental Organic Chemistry
- CHEM 725 - Advanced Organic Chemistry
- CHEM 726 - Organic Synthesis
- CHEM 735 - Advanced Physical Chemistry
- CHEM 745 - Instrumental Analysis-Inorganic
- CHEM 749 - Polymer Chemistry
- CHEM 750 - Quality Assurance and Statistics
- CHEM 775 - Bioanalytical Environmental Toxicology
- CHEM 783 - Spectral Interpretation
- CHEM 793 - Special Topics
- CHEM 796 - Dissertation Prospectus
Dissertation – Credits: 12
Degree Requirements
- Doctoral students entering the Ph.D. program with an approved M.S. degree in Chemistry or a closely related discipline, are required to complete a minimum of 30 credits in the Ph.D. program at UNLV.
- All students are required to maintain a minimum a 3.00 grade point average in all graduate-level courses. Two grades of B- are permitted in the degree program as long as the GPA remains at or above 3.00. One grade of C+ or lower will result in academic probation even if the overall GPA is above 3.0. Two grades of C+ or lower will result in automatic suspension or separation from the program.
- All students must meet with their advisory committee on a yearly basis, and all students must complete an annual evaluation form.
- A dissertation advisor must be chosen by the end of the first semester, and the Doctoral Advisory Committee must be appointed prior to the end of the second semester. An approved graduate degree program must be filed prior to the beginning of the third semester of enrollment. All students must meet these deadlines; failure to do so will result in academic probation. Failure of a student on academic probation to meet these requirements within the next semester could result in separation from the program.
- The Doctoral Advisory Committee must consist of the faculty advisor (chair), chemistry graduate faculty in the discipline of study, one additional chemistry graduate faculty member, and one graduate-college representative from outside the department. Failure to identify an advisor and form this committee will result in the student being placed on academic probation. The use of committee members external to UNLV is allowed with approval from the examination committee. External members without graduate faculty status at UNLV will be non-voting members of the Ph.D. examination committee.
- All students are required to schedule an interview with the advisor either before or during the first semester of study. If the student does not select an advisor, the Graduate Coordinator will assign a temporary advisor. The purpose of the initial interview is to develop a plan of course work for the first year.
- All students are required to schedule a diagnostic interview with the Doctoral Advisory Committee before the end of the 2nd semester. The purpose of the interview is to develop a list of recommended courses and design the student's degree program, which must be submitted prior to completing 16 credits of course work toward the degree.
- All students must prepare a dissertation proposal for a Proposal Defense Examination. The student should register for the Dissertation Prospectus course. This examination must be completed prior to the end of the fourth semester. To remain in good standing students are required to develop and defend a dissertation prospectus no later than the fourth semester of enrollment. If a student does not defend a dissertation prospectus they will be placed on academic probation. The Proposal Defense Examination focuses on the dissertation proposal and the student's ability to perform the research. It includes a formal oral presentation of the student's dissertation proposal, research to date, and questions by the dissertation advisory committee on the dissertation topic. The Proposal Defense Examination is to be taken prior to the Comprehensive Examination.
- Advancement to Candidacy. Students will advance to candidacy if the Comprehensive Examination is passed and the enrolled coursework is successfully completed based on the evaluation of the students Doctoral Advisory Committee. The comprehensive exam will consist of written and oral components as defined by the Ph.D. Examination Committee. Satisfactory performance on the Comprehensive Examination requires that Ph.D. students have a basic knowledge of the discipline of study. It also requires the student to follow the guidelines established for each discipline (i.e., Biochemistry, Physical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry and Organic Chemistry). The student's Doctoral Advisory Committee or the faculty from the discipline of study will determine the format and content of both the written and oral exams.
- The Ph.D. Examination Committee will determine if the student passes the Comprehensive Examination. If a student fails any part of the Comprehensive Examination, the Ph.D Examination Committee will determine if the student is allowed to retake the portion of the comprehensive exam that is not passed.
- Students who fail to pass any part of the Comprehensive Examination or Proposal Defense on the first attempt must successfully complete a second attempt (as specified by the Ph.D. Examination Committee) within the next six months to remain in the program.
- Failure to advance to candidacy by the end of the sixth semester of enrollment will result in the student being placed on academic probation. Failure to advance to candidacy by the end of the seventh semester will result in the student being separated from the program.
- Students who entered the program with a master's degree who fail the examination a second time will be separated from the program.
- A student who has successfully passed both the Proposal Defense and Comprehensive Examinations will advance to candidacy for the Ph.D. degree.
- After advancement, subsequent years of study will be required for the graduate student to complete their degree. The duration of this period will depend on the success of the research project as defined by the Doctoral Advisory Committee.
- Completed coursework will only be counted towards the graduation requirements of this program for six years. It is recommended that students publish at least one research-based manuscript in a peer-reviewed journal prior to graduation.
- Satisfactory performance on the final examination will consist of the presentation and defense of the dissertation research. The defense will consist of an oral presentation open to the public, a short period of questions from the public, a closed session of questions from the Doctoral Advisory Committee, and a closed deliberation and vote by just the Doctoral Advisory Committee members. Any graduate faculty member may attend the closed session of questions of the defense
- It is expected that each student be a teaching assistant for a minimum of two courses prior to graduation. It is also expected that each student publish research-based manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals.
Graduation Requirements
Subplan 3 Requirements: Post-Bachelor's - Biochemistry
Course Requirements
Graduate Seminar Course – Credits: 5
Complete 5 credits of graduate seminar courses in CHEM 691 or CHEM 791 or combination of both. A minimum of 3 presentations are required in graduate seminar in CHEM 691 or CHEM 791 or combination of both.
Coursework Required Courses – Credits: Minimum of 12
A minimum of 12 credits of required coursework.
Research Elective Courses – Credits: 31
Complete 31 credits of advisor-approved research electives. These courses may include but are not limited to:
Dissertation – Credits: 12
Degree Requirements
- Doctoral students in Chemistry/Biochemistry are required to complete a minimum of 60 credits beyond the baccalaureate.
- All students are required to maintain a minimum a 3.00 grade point average in all graduate-level courses. Two grades of B- are permitted in the degree program as long as the GPA remains at or above 3.00. One grade of C+ or lower will result in academic probation even if the overall GPA is above 3.0. Two grades of C+ or lower will result in automatic suspension or separation from the program.
- All students must meet with their advisory committee on a yearly basis, and all students must complete an annual evaluation form.
- A dissertation advisor must be chosen by the end of the first semester, and the Doctoral Advisory Committee must be appointed prior to the end of the second semester. An approved graduate degree program must be filed prior to the beginning of the third semester of enrollment. All students must meet these deadlines; failure to do so will result in academic probation. Failure of a student on academic probation to meet these requirements within the next semester could result in separation from the program.
- The Doctoral Advisory Committee must consist of the faculty advisor (chair), chemistry graduate faculty in the discipline of study, one additional chemistry graduate faculty member, and one graduate-college representative from outside the department. Failure to identify an advisor and form this committee will result in the student being placed on academic probation. The use of committee members external to UNLV is allowed with approval from the examination committee. External members without graduate faculty status at UNLV will be non-voting members of the Ph.D. examination committee.
- All students are required to schedule an interview with the advisor either before or during the first semester of study. If the student does not select an advisor, the Graduate Coordinator will assign a temporary advisor. The purpose of the initial interview is to develop a plan of course work for the first year.
- All students are required to schedule a diagnostic interview with the Doctoral Advisory Committee before the end of the 2nd semester. The purpose of the interview is to develop a list of recommended courses and design the student's degree program, which must be submitted prior to completing 16 credits of course work toward the degree.
- All students must prepare a dissertation proposal for a Proposal Defense Examination. The student should register for the Dissertation Prospectus course. This examination must be completed prior to the end of the fourth semester. To remain in good standing students are required to develop and defend a dissertation prospectus no later than the fourth semester of enrollment. If a student does not defend a dissertation prospectus they will be placed on academic probation. The Proposal Defense Examination focuses on the dissertation proposal and the student's ability to perform the research. It includes a formal oral presentation of the student's dissertation proposal, research to date, and questions by the dissertation advisory committee on the dissertation topic. The Proposal Defense Examination is to be taken prior to the Comprehensive Examination.
- Advancement to Candidacy. Students will advance to candidacy if the Comprehensive Examination is passed and the enrolled coursework is successfully completed based on the evaluation of the students Doctoral Advisory Committee. The comprehensive exam will consist of written and oral components as defined by the Ph.D. Examination Committee. Satisfactory performance on the Comprehensive Examination requires that Ph.D. students have a basic knowledge of the discipline of study. It also requires the student to follow the guidelines established for each discipline (i.e., Biochemistry, Physical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry and Organic Chemistry). The student's Doctoral Advisory Committee or the faculty from the discipline of study will determine the format and content of both the written and oral exams.
- The Ph.D. Examination Committee will determine if the student passes the Comprehensive Examination. If a student fails any part of the Comprehensive Examination, the Ph.D Examination Committee will determine if the student is allowed to retake the portion of the comprehensive exam that is not passed.
- Students who fail to pass any part of the Comprehensive Examination or Proposal Defense on the first attempt must successfully complete a second attempt (as specified by the Ph.D. Examination Committee) within the next six months to remain in the program.
- Failure to advance to candidacy by the end of the sixth semester of enrollment will result in the student being placed on academic probation. Failure to advance to candidacy by the end of the seventh semester will result in the student being separated from the program.
- Students who enter the program with a baccalaureate degree and who fail the second examination may be allowed to continue as a Master of Science student with the consent of the Doctoral Advisory Committee.
- A student who has successfully passed both the Proposal Defense and Comprehensive Examinations will advance to candidacy for the Ph.D. degree.
- After advancement, subsequent years of study will be required for the graduate student to complete their degree. The duration of this period will depend on the success of the research project as defined by the Doctoral Advisory Committee.
- Completed coursework will only be counted towards the graduation requirements of this program for eight years if the student completed a baccalaureate degree. It is recommended that students publish at least one research-based manuscript in a peer-reviewed journal prior to graduation.
- Satisfactory performance on the final examination will consist of the presentation and defense of the dissertation research. The defense will consist of an oral presentation open to the public, a short period of questions from the public, a closed session of questions from the Doctoral Advisory Committee, and a closed deliberation and vote by just the Doctoral Advisory Committee members. Any graduate faculty member may attend the closed session of questions of the defense.
11. It is expected that each student be a teaching assistant for a minimum of two courses prior to graduation. It is also expected that each student publish research-based manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals.
Graduation Requirements
Subplan 4 Requirements: Post-Master's - Biochemistry
Course Requirements
Total Credits Required: 30
Graduate Seminar Course – Credits: 5
Complete 5 credits of graduate seminar courses in CHEM 691 or CHEM 791 or combination of both. A minimum of 3 presentations are required in graduate seminar in CHEM 691 or CHEM 791 or combination of both.
Required Courses – Credits: 13
Complete 13 credits of required courses as listed in this section:
Dissertation – Credits: 12
Degree Requirements
- Doctoral students entering the Ph.D. program with an approved M.S. degree in Chemistry or a closely related discipline, are required to complete a minimum of 30 credits in the Ph.D. program at UNLV.
- All students are required to maintain a minimum a 3.00 grade point average in all graduate-level courses. Two grades of B- are permitted in the degree program as long as the GPA remains at or above 3.00. One grade of C+ or lower will result in academic probation even if the overall GPA is above 3.0. Two grades of C+ or lower will result in automatic suspension or separation from the program.
- All students must meet with their advisory committee on a yearly basis, and all students must complete an annual evaluation form.
- A dissertation advisor must be chosen by the end of the first semester, and the Doctoral Advisory Committee must be appointed prior to the end of the second semester. An approved graduate degree program must be filed prior to the beginning of the third semester of enrollment. All students must meet these deadlines; failure to do so will result in academic probation. Failure of a student on academic probation to meet these requirements within the next semester could result in separation from the program.
- The Doctoral Advisory Committee must consist of the faculty advisor (chair), chemistry graduate faculty in the discipline of study, one additional chemistry graduate faculty member, and one graduate-college representative from outside the department. Failure to identify an advisor and form this committee will result in the student being placed on academic probation. The use of committee members external to UNLV is allowed with approval from the examination committee. External members without graduate faculty status at UNLV will be non-voting members of the Ph.D. examination committee.
- All students are required to schedule an interview with the advisor either before or during the first semester of study. If the student does not select an advisor, the Graduate Coordinator will assign a temporary advisor. The purpose of the initial interview is to develop a plan of course work for the first year.
- All students are required to schedule a diagnostic interview with the Doctoral Advisory Committee before the end of the 2nd semester. The purpose of the interview is to develop a list of recommended courses and design the student's degree program, which must be submitted prior to completing 16 credits of course work toward the degree.
- All students must prepare a dissertation proposal for a Proposal Defense Examination. The student should register for the Dissertation Prospectus course. This examination must be completed prior to the end of the fourth semester. To remain in good standing students are required to develop and defend a dissertation prospectus no later than the fourth semester of enrollment. If a student does not defend a dissertation prospectus they will be placed on academic probation. The Proposal Defense Examination focuses on the dissertation proposal and the student's ability to perform the research. It includes a formal oral presentation of the student's dissertation proposal, research to date, and questions by the dissertation advisory committee on the dissertation topic. The Proposal Defense Examination is to be taken prior to the Comprehensive Examination.
- Advancement to Candidacy. Students will advance to candidacy if the Comprehensive Examination is passed and the enrolled coursework is successfully completed based on the evaluation of the students Doctoral Advisory Committee. The comprehensive exam will consist of written and oral components as defined by the Ph.D. Examination Committee. Satisfactory performance on the Comprehensive Examination requires that Ph.D. students have a basic knowledge of the discipline of study. It also requires the student to follow the guidelines established for each discipline (i.e., Biochemistry, Physical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry and Organic Chemistry). The student's Doctoral Advisory Committee or the faculty from the discipline of study will determine the format and content of both the written and oral exams.
- The Ph.D. Examination Committee will determine if the student passes the Comprehensive Examination. If a student fails any part of the Comprehensive Examination, the Ph.D Examination Committee will determine if the student is allowed to retake the portion of the comprehensive exam that is not passed.
- Students who fail to pass any part of the Comprehensive Examination or Proposal Defense on the first attempt must successfully complete a second attempt (as specified by the Ph.D. Examination Committee) within the next six months to remain in the program.
- Failure to advance to candidacy by the end of the sixth semester of enrollment will result in the student being placed on academic probation. Failure to advance to candidacy by the end of the seventh semester will result in the student being separated from the program.
- Students who entered the program with a master's degree who fail the examination a second time will be separated from the program.
- A student who has successfully passed both the Proposal Defense and Comprehensive Examinations will advance to candidacy for the Ph.D. degree.
- After advancement, subsequent years of study will be required for the graduate student to complete their degree. The duration of this period will depend on the success of the research project as defined by the Doctoral Advisory Committee.
- Completed coursework will only be counted towards the graduation requirements of this program for six years. It is recommended that students publish at least one research-based manuscript in a peer-reviewed journal prior to graduation.
- Satisfactory performance on the final examination will consist of the presentation and defense of the dissertation research. The defense will consist of an oral presentation open to the public, a short period of questions from the public, a closed session of questions from the Doctoral Advisory Committee, and a closed deliberation and vote by just the Doctoral Advisory Committee members. Any graduate faculty member may attend the closed session of questions of the defense.
11. It is expected that each student be a teaching assistant for a minimum of two courses prior to graduation. It is also expected that each student publish research-based manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals
Graduation Requirements
Plan Graduation Requirements
- The student must submit and successfully defend their dissertation by the posted deadline. The defense must be advertised and is open to the public.
- After the dissertation defense, the student must electronically submit a properly formatted pdf copy of their dissertation to the Graduate College for format check. Once the dissertation format has been approved by the Graduate College, the student will submit the approved electronic version to ProQuest. Deadlines for dissertation defenses, format check submissions, and the final ProQuest submission can be found here.
- Students may apply for graduation up to two semesters prior to completing their degree requirements. All required forms must be submitted to the graduate college via the Grad Rebel Gateway.
Graduate Coordinator
Balakrishnan Naduvalath
Professor and Graduate Program Coordinator, Physical & Environmental Chemistry
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
The curriculum offered by the Department of Chemistry meets the needs of students who intend to pursue advanced training in the sciences, medicine, and other professional and technical fields. With chemistry being known as the "central science," our students establish a strong understanding in the composition, structure, and properties of matter, especially in chemical reaction.
College of Sciences
The School of Life Sciences offers programs that meet the needs of students intending to enter the workforce or pursue advanced training in the sciences, medicine, and other professional and technical fields. We provide a well-rounded foundation in natural, physical, and mathematical sciences that can set students up for successful careers and professional programs.