Marie Falcone (Political Science, Brookings Mountain West, and The Lincy Institute) is the lead author of "Ending Corporal Punishment of Preschool-age Children," a public policy paper published on the "Brown Center Chalkboard," a Brookings Institution blog. The paper discusses the…
Jennifer Vanderlaan (Nursing) presented at this month's Royal Society of Medicine webinar on COVID-19. Her research focuses on maternity services, and the impact from the coronavirus pandemic on women's health and well-being during pregnancy and transition to parenting.
Angela Amar (Nursing) contributed a video on "Combating Racism and Fostering Inclusive Learning Environments" to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing's Leadership Gallery.
Joanne L. Goodwin (History) co-edited the Nevada Historical Society Quarterly's special issue on Nevada's woman suffrage campaigns. Published early this fall, the issue recognizes the centennial of the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment (1920) which enabled a majority of U.S. women who were…
Shane Kraus (Psychology), and Brett Abarbanel, Tiffany Huang, and Bo Bernhard (all International Gaming Institute), along with colleagues at Harvard Medical School, published a follow-up study on GameSense — a responsible gambling (RG) initiative enacted by MGM Resorts several years ago. This study…
Evelyn Gajowski (English) has published The Arden Research Handbook of Contemporary Shakespeare Criticism, a comprehensive guide by an international team of leading scholars to those critical practices that dominate Shakespeare studies today. It includes chapters on 20 specific critical…
Brenna Renn (Psychology) led a national survey of career mentorship and career selection needs in clinical geropsychology alongside colleagues from the American Psychological Association's Society of Clinical Geropsychology. This work, "Identification and Selection of Jobs in Clinical…
Eda Anlamlier (Marketing and International Business) and her co-author, Sevincgul Ulu (New Jersey City University), presented their competitive paper at the Association for Consumer Research Conference this month and American Marketing Association Summer Conference in August, both leading…
Cory Lampert and Darnelle Melvin (Libraries) presented "Linked Data for the Perplexed Librarian: Q&A with the Authors" with Anne Washington from the University of Houston Libraries, for the Linked Data Users Group. Lamper, Melvin, Washington, and Scott Carlson are authors of …
Tammi Kim (Libraries) authored a case study, "Rethinking Record Groups and University Archives Classification at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas," for the Society of American Archivists. 
Mary Whitehead (Student Diversity & Social Justice) presented a Virtual Solidarity Workshop for the Girl Scouts of America.  The presentation focused on accepting, including, and honoring those who may not have been celebrated throughout history.
Dr. Neamat Hassan and Dr. Hassan Ziada (both Dental) coauthored "The Impact of Impression Coping Geometrical Design on Accuracy of Implant Impressions: An Experimental Study," which appeared this month in the International Journal of Implant Dentistry. The purpose of the study was to evaluate…