Nicole Espinosa (Interdisciplinary, Ethnic, and Gender Studies), Amber Williams (Psychology), and Erika Abad (Interdisciplinary, Ethnic, and Gender Studies) presented during ClexaCon's first Academic Lab earlier this month. Espinosa, a gender and sexuality studies student and 2017-18 McNair Scholar…
Dr. Christina Demopoulos and Marcia Ditmyer (both Dental) accepted invitations to speak and be part of a discussion panel during the National Oral Health Conference. Demopoulos presented “Building the Field: AAPHD Foundation Horowitz Scholars and Small Grant Recipients Impact on Dental Public…
Melissa Schofield and Muneeba Ahmed (both Life Sciences)  were recognized for their outstanding presentations at the 2019 AZ-NV American Society for Microbiology branch meeting. Schofield, a doctoral student in Boo Shan Tseng's lab, received the top prize for graduate student oral presentation…
Chelsea Heinbach, Brittany Paloma Fiedler,  Francesca Marineo, Rosan Mitola, Cory Lampert, Marina Georgieva, Maggie Farrell, Starr Hoffman, Samantha Godbey (all Libraries), Melissa Bowles-Terry (Libraries & Faculty Center), and Kaitlin Clinnin (English) all presented at the Association of…
Rachel Part and co-author Celeste Calkins (both Office of Decision Support) presented at the American Educational Research Association annual meeting in Toronto earlier this month. Part presented Teacher Self-Efficacy Profiles: Outcomes and Generalizability Across Teaching Level…
Carolee Dodge Francis, Noehealani Bareng-Antolin, and Kira Tran (all Public Health) share a noval approach to supporting American Indian and Alaska Native high school students in pursuit of higher education in the biomedical field, featured in a chapter of the book …
Boo Shan Tseng (Life Sciences) was awarded a Cystic Fibrosis Foundation pilot grant, entitled "Suppressors of mucA essentiality in Pseudomonas aeruginosa." She, with her team of undergraduate and graduate students, will use this two-year, $107,290 award to study why the gene mucA, is required for…
Elizabeth Stacy and Donald Price , along with doctorate candidate Tomoko Sakishima published "Multiple Colonizations, Hybridization and Uneven Diversification in Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae) Lineages on Hawai'i Island" in the Journal of Biogeography.  This work used variation at …
Ranita Ray (sociology) was awarded a National Academy of Education's 2019 NAEd/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship. The Spencer Foundation funds this fellowship through academy to "encourage outstanding researchers at the postdoctoral level ... to pursue critical education research…
Simone Beasley (Hospitality Management), Kajuana Hollis (Psychology), and Kennady Wright (Hospitality Management) hosted a panel discussion to explore the impact of stereotypes on people within the African Diaspora.  The panelists were Tatiyana Gilbert (Kinesiology), Aaliyah Galwey (Education…
The Nevada Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics honored Samantha Coogan (Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences) with its Emerging Dietetics Leader award. Coogan, the director of UNLV’s Didactic Program in Nutrition and Dietetics, earned the recognition for supporting the promotion of the public's…
Rei Serafica (Nursing), Paula Frew and Jose Melendrez (both Public Health) served as panelists in  Nevada Public Health Association Lunch and Learn Meeting: "Using A Health Equity Framework To Make System Level Changes" recently. The panelists highlighted the importance of addressing the…