Kimberly Tomas and Soumya Upadhyay (Health Care Administration & Policy) presented at the 2019 Academy Health annual research meeting in Washington, D.C., in June. Their poster presentations were titled:  The Impact of Patient-Provider Communication and Electronic…
Tevfik Demirciftci and Amanda Belarmino (both Hospitality) presented "Stars, Diamonds, and Trophies: Are User Generated Star Ratings More Impactful Than Magazine Awards on Guest Willingness-To-Pay?"at the 2019 ICHRIE (International Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education)…
Dr. Rachelle Davidowitz (Dental) recently published her manuscript "Salivary Screening for Selenomonas Noxia in the Oral Cavity of Pediatric Patients" with Dr. Katherine Howard and Dr. Karl Kingsley (both Dental) in the inaugural issue of Current Dental Research Journal. Davidowitz is a pediatric…
Toni Repetti (Hospitality) discussed a new undergraduate revenue management textbook during a revenue management meeting at the 2019 ICHRIE (International Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education) Conference in New Orleans. The textbook, for which Repetti serves as editor, is set…
Rebecca Gill (Political Science) and her colleague Adam Feldman (Empirical SCOTUS) have published an article, "Power Dynamics in Supreme Court Oral Arguments: The Relationship between Gender and Justice-to-Justice Interruptions," in Justice System Journal. In this article, the authors…
Karyn E. Holt (Nursing) presented at the 36th International Congress on Law and Mental Health in Rome. In her presentation, "Enhancing Health Care Curricula with Forensic Concepts," she discussed mental health services for online students and presented information on the prevalence and…
Cass Shum, Ankita Ghosh, and Anthony Gatling (all Hospitality) recently published their manuscript "Why Do Employees Break Rules? Understanding Organizational Rule-Breaking Behaviors in Hospitality" in the International Journal of Hospitality Management. In the manuscript, they identified both…
MaryKay Orgill and Sarah York (both Chemistry and Biochemistry) wrote a research article that was published in the Journal of Chemical Education and also was selected to be featured in American Chemical Society (ACS) Editors' Choice. The selection of these articles is based on…
Shiloh Bradley, John "Skip" Crooker, Brent Drake, Christina Drum, and Qingmin Shi (all Decision Support) presented at the annual Association for Institutional Research Forum. Bradley presented "Automating Custom Peer Reports Using IPEDS Data with SQL, R and LaTeX," which was awarded best…
Marina Georgieva (Libraries) had an article, "Successful Management of an Outsourced Large-Scale Digitization Newspaper Project: Tips for Effective Collaboration, Increased Productivity, and Outstanding Deliverables," published in the Journal of Archival Organization.
Rebecca Gill (Political Science), along with colleagues Stella Rouse (University of Maryland College Park), Libby Sharrow (UMASS Amherst), and Nadia Brown (Purdue University), have been awarded a collaborative grant totaling $1,000,794 from the National Science Foundation's ADVANCE program (…
Elizabeth Lawrence (Sociology) had her research featured in a Las Vegas Review -Journal article, "UNLV Researchers Tighten Link between Lack of Education, Child Deaths."