Exterior of the Thomas and Mack arena at sunset

University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV)

Emergency and non-emergency phone numbers

About UNLV

Since our first classes were held on campus in 1957, UNLV has transformed itself from a small branch college into a thriving urban research institution. Along the way, our urban university has become an indispensable resource in one of the country's fastest-growing and most enterprising cities.


University Police Services at UNLV

An officer at a booth speaking to a student

RebelSAFE Alert

Rebel Safe (1).png

About RebelSAFE Alert

RebelSAFE Alert is the emergency notification system used for incidents that present an imminent threat to life, health or safety to UNLV students, employees, faculty, and community members. RebelSAFE Alert messages provide emergency information and instructions to protect yourself during an emergency. In the event of an emergency, RebelSAFE Alert will send emails, text messages, post to University Police Services Facebook and Twitter, push notifications to the RebelSAFE Mobile App, and provide audio and visual warnings to computer desktops and VOIP phones, digital advertising kiosks, RebelSAFE Emergency Phones, and UNLV websites.

Download the RebelSAFE Mobile App

RebelSAFE is the official mobile safety app of UNLV.  The RebelSAFE Mobile App provides UNLV students, employees, faculty, and community members with a number of features to keep themselves safe.  

  1. Quickly dial Police Services to request help, report a crime in progress, report suspicious activities, or for any other emergency.
  2. Request a Rebel Rides evening shuttle.
  3. Real-time chat with Police Services Dispatch personnel.
  4. Submit anonymous crime tips.
  5. Receive RebelSAFE Alert push notifications.
  6. Virtual escort to share your GPS location with a friend or family member until you safely reach your destination.
  7. Other safety related information and services offered by Police Services and Health & Wellness.

To download the free app, visit iTunes or the Google Play Store.

Mobile App Welcome Screen

Updating Your Contact Information

Police Services strongly encourages you to review your contact information each semester to ensure that emergency alerts are sent to the correct locations.

  • Current UNLV students
    1. Log into your MyUNLV account and visit the Student Center page.
    2. Once on the Student Center page, you can review your email address(es) and phone number(s) via the drop-down menu in the Personal Information section.
  • Current UNLV Faculty and Staff
    • Log into Workday with your ACE account.
    • On the UNLV Okta page, click on the Workday logo.
    • In the top right corner, click on your name and then click View Profile.
    • From the top left hand corner of your Profile page, click Actions (under your name), hover over Personal Data, click Change Contact Information.
    • Under the Additional Phone section, add or edit your cellular telephone number. Make sure to select mobile or the Phone Device.

    • Click the Submit button, located in the lower left corner, to save your changes.

Questions About the RebelSAFE Alert?

If you have any questions regarding your contact information within the RebelSAFE Alert system, or any other concerns regarding the system, contact Mark Sakurada, at 702-895-3032 or mark.sakurada@unlv.edu.

Emergency Phones

RebelSAFE Emergency Phones are for students, employees, faculty, and community members of UNLV to request help, report a crime in progress, report suspicious activities, request a Rebel Rides shuttle, or for any other emergency. The state-of-the-art, 12-foot tall RebelSAFE Emergency Phones are equipped with a 4000k LED area light, a 360-degree surveillance camera, and are strategically located throughout campus to broadcast RebelSAFE Alerts via public address speakers in the event of an emergency.

Current Emergency Phone Locations
