The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act was enacted by Congress and signed into law in November of 1990. In 1992, 1998, 2000, 2008, and most recently in 2013, Congress significantly amended the law, expanding the reporting criteria.
In order to comply with provisions of The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, information from the university community and local law enforcement agencies is compiled and published annually by University Police Services. As law enforcement professionals tasked with the maintenance of a safe and secure educational environment, it is our responsibility to provide a comprehensive report regarding the campus public safety environment, including the incidence of crime. For those interested in viewing the Daily Crime Log for crimes on campus, please see the Crime Log page.
This report summarizes public safety and security policies in effect on our campuses. It highlights crime reporting procedures, crime prevention programs, and other services available to the campus community. Crime statistics for the previous three calendar years are also provided, as is information regarding the number of arrests made for certain designated criminal offenses during these time periods. It should be noted that the crime statistics included in this publication are organized by locations that are identified as either university owned, controlled, or leased property. The statistics include incidents involving non-student, non-faculty, and non-staff individuals.

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You may pick up a free copy of your institutions Annual Security Report and Annual Fire Safety Report in person at the University Police Services Records & Property Office during normal business hours, have a copy of the report mailed to you through the U.S. Post Office, or download it today: