CSN Charleston

College of Southern Nevada (CSN)

Emergency and non-emergency phone numbers

About CSN

As the largest and most ethnically diverse college in Nevada, we’ve made it a priority to provide an affordable, collaborative and welcoming environment that allows all students to shine. CSN is a fully accredited institution offering hundreds of degrees and certificates in 70 academic programs—with 26 degrees and certificates available entirely online. We’re also extremely accessible with three main campuses in Las Vegas, North Las Vegas and Henderson, as well as multiple sites and centers throughout Southern Nevada.


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University Police Services at CSN

Police officer giving a tour to a group of people

CSN Alert

CSN app button

About CSN Alert

CSN Alert is the emergency notification system used for incidents that present an imminent threat to life, health or safety to CSN students, employees, faculty, and community members. CSN Alert messages provide emergency information and instructions to protect yourself during an emergency. In the event of an emergency, CSN Alert will send emails, text messages, post to CSN Facebook and Twitter accounts, the CSN Mobile Safety App Twitter feed, provide audio and visual warnings to computer desktops, and provide calls to mobile, home, and/or office phones.

As a CSN student or employee, you are automatically enrolled in the system and will receive an email notification when an emergency or disaster occurs.

To ensure you receive immediate alerts about campus emergencies, update your contact information to receive notifications via text and voicemail on your cellphone.

Download the CSN MobileSAFETY App

CSN MobileSAFETY is an essential tool to enhance your safety at College of Southern Nevada. The app will send you important safety alerts and provide instant access to campus safety resources and emergency contacts. MobileSAFETY is the official mobile safety app of CSN.

University Police Services disseminates CSN Alert messages to students, faculty, and staff during an emergency.

To download the free app, visit iTunes or the Google Play Store.

CSN app open on a phone

Updating Your Contact Information

Police Services strongly encourages you to review your contact information each semester to ensure that emergency alerts are sent to the correct locations.

  • CSN Students, Faculty, and Staff
    • Login to CSN Omnilert with your active directory login (full email address) and password.
    • Review the subscription information.
    • Update your contact preferences under the “Services” tab.
    • Click the “Add” button and you’re done!

Questions About the CSN Alert?

If you have any questions regarding your contact information within the CSN Alert system, or any other concerns regarding the system, contact Assistant Director Jessica Moore, at 702-895-3010 or jessica.moore@unlv.edu.

Emergency Phones

Emergency Phones are for students, employees, faculty, and community members of CSN to request help, report a crime in progress, report suspicious activities, request a security escort, or for any other emergency. 

Current Emergency Phone Locations


West Charleston


North Las Vegas