Overview of Results
The 2022 Great Colleges to Work For campus climate survey, administered by ModernThink, consisted of questions grouped around 14 themes. The adjectival descriptor for each theme is given in the first column below.
The percentage values given in this table are the percent of survey participants who responded strongly agree (dark green), agree (light green), neutral (gray), disagree (goldenrod), or strongly disagree (pink) to the questions associated with each theme.
The two columns, Carnegie Research 2022 and UNLV Overall 2019, are provided for comparisons to the UNLV Overall 2022 data. Carnegie Research 2022 is average data from all Carnegie Research Very High (R1) institution respondents who completed this survey in 2022. Data in the column labeled UNLV Overall 2019 are the results from this climate survey that was administered in 2019.
The UNLV Overall column represents the results provided by all individuals (n=1,042) who complete the survey in 2022. Proceeding across the table to the right are the results from the UNLV 2022 survey separated by various categories (academic faculty, administrative faculty, etc.). The number of respondents for each sub-category are also provided.
The Overview contains two other tables: One presents the top 10 scoring positive responses (strongly agree) across all survey questions and the question which aligned with the response; the other table presents the ten lowest rated (strongly agree) responses across all survey questions.

Sample of Overview Table
Overall Results for UNLV
The 2022 Great Colleges to Work For campus climate survey, administered by ModernThink, consisted of questions grouped around 14 themes. These themes, as well as the specific questions asked for each theme, are given in the first column below.
Responses to those questions (positive, neutral, negative)* as a percentage of the total number of survey respondents are given in the next three columns on the right. They are color-coded from excellent (green) to poor (pink) based on ModernThink’s standard categorical groupings. The exact numerical group percentage brackets, as well as the adjectival descriptor for each range, are given at the bottom of each page.
*Positive responses include strongly agree and agree; negative responses include disagree or strongly disagree.

Sample of Overall Results for UNLV Table