What is Emeritus/Emerita Status?
Emeritus/emerita status is an honorific awarded to faculty in recognition of an exemplary and extended record of teaching, research, and service at the university. Following the endorsement of the academic community, the President of UNLV may confer the title upon a faculty member who is entering retirement after serving the university with distinction on a full-time basis for a period of at least 10 years.
Benefits and Privileges
To promote their continued participation in and contribution to the UNLV community, individuals granted emeritus/emerita status are eligible for benefits and privileges at UNLV including the following:
- UNLV email account
- Faculty/staff access to the UNLV libraries
- Faculty/staff identification card
- Faculty/staff parking
- Faculty/staff discounts on tickets to university athletic and cultural events
- Listing in university catalogs and faculty/staff directories as emeritus faculty
- Participation in commencement and convocation ceremonies in full regalia
- Inclusion on mailing lists for lecture series, performances, and other university events
- Inclusion on invitation lists to certain departmental, college, and university events
- Grant-in-aid benefits (in accordance with policies established in the Board of Regents Handbook).
Application Process
Applications for emeritus status can be made in the final year of employment or no later than one year after the date of retirement. To apply, please follow these steps:
First: The applicant notifies their chair or supervisor of their intent to apply. To apply, they supply the following:
- A letter of intent stating the retirement date and the reasons that they desire emeritus status, including in its text a UNLV email address, an alternate email address, and a mailing address.
- A current curriculum vitae
Second: The chair or supervisor organizes department vote (academic faculty) OR peer group endorsement (administrative faculty)
Third: The chair or supervisor forwards a letter of intent, CV, department vote or peer endorsement, and their own endorsement to the appropriate dean (academic faculty) or vice president (administrative faculty)
Fourth: The dean or vice president forwards all of the preceding materials, plus their endorsement, to the Office of Faculty Affairs via the email facultyaffairs@unlv.edu
Once the Office of Faculty Affairs has the application, it will be checked for completion. When the Office of Faculty Affairs sends the application forward for consideration by the Provost, Faculty Senate Executive Committee, and President, the applicant will be notified and the addresses verified a final time. From this point, processing should take 60 days or less.
Official Policy
For further details on emeritus/emerita status, please consult the official policy.