Nurse Leaders Begin Here

Our mission is to advance the science of health and healthcare by preparing nurse clinicians, educators, leaders, and researchers to
optimize health equity and wellness of individuals, families, communities, and populations. The School of Nursing promotes, improves,
and innovates nursing through interdisciplinary and transformational education, scholarship, practice, and community engagement.

Future Students

Academic Programs

A nurrsing student checking a pulse on a patient dummy.
A close up shot of UNLV School of Nursing emblem on a sleeve.
Doctor looking at vials
Students outside holding supplies.

Community Nursing

Through community partnerships, nursing students and faculty make an impact across the valley.

nurse holding a chemical tube


Research discoveries help preserve and promote the health and wellness of Nevadans and the future of nursing education, with an enhanced focus on health issues associated with an urban environment and sustainability.

More About Our Research

Man with glasses smiling with woman smiling

Alumni Engagement

Once a rebel nurse, always a rebel nurse. Explore exciting ways to stay connected to UNLV Nursing through mentorship, leadership, and other opportunities.

More About Alumni Engagement

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Vital Views

Take vital nursing and health information on the go with UNLV Nursing's award-winning* podcast. Vital Views provides a multitude of valuable nursing-related content, from national trends to nursing school tips; from interpersonal skills to technological changes; and from research to personal stories.

Subscribe to Vital Views via AppleSpotifyAmazon, or wherever you get your podcasts.

*In 2022, Vital Views received a Pinnacle Award from the Las Vegas Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America in the webcasts/podcasts category.

Nurse Newsmakers

individual taking photo of person covered in pie

Join fellow Rebels on March 27 in a day of giving, celebration, and friendly competition — all for a great cause.

Lori Porter in red and black outfit sitting on a large stone

UNLV’s first director of Interprofessional Education and Practice will play a critical role in developing the Academic Health Center.

Clariana Vitoria Ramos de Oliveira stands near wall of windows

Nursing professor visits communities across the globe to understand maternal mental health's impact on child development.

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Jacqueline Killian (Nursing) was inducted into the National Academies of Practice (NAP) in the Academy of Nursing as a Distinguished Fellow. The Nursing Academy is the largest of the 17 academies within the NAP, with more than 300 members.   
Jennifer Vanderlaan, Janice Enriquez, and Melva Thompson-Robinson (all Nursing) were published in the International Journal of Health Planning and Management for their article, "Counting Midwives Providing Clinical Care in Nevada." The study focused on estimating the number of midwives providing…

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