Accomplishments: Women's Council

  Patricia A. Heisser Metoyer ( Psychology and Interdisciplinary Studies) recently was selected by the University of California, Irvine Alumni Association to be interviewed for an alumni data confirmation and oral history initiative. She was the first Black/African American woman to receive a Ph.D., magna cum laude, in psychology from UCI.…
Helen J. Wing (Life Sciences) starts a two-year term as an editorial board member for the Journal of Bacteriology. This journal publishes research articles that probe fundamental processes in bacteria, archaea, and their viruses and the molecular mechanisms by which they interact with each other and with their hosts and their…
Alena Grewal and Karyn Holt (both Nursing) authored an article, “Comparison of 12-Hour Biweekly Versus 6-Hour Weekly Shifts on Fatigue in Student Nurses,” finding there was no statistical difference on fatigue in a 12-hour shift and a six-hour shift. The article has been published by the Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing Journal…
Sharon Jalene (Kinesiology) authored an article, "Depression, Fitness, and Student Willingness to Pursue University Counseling and Alternative Antidepressant Options," which has been accepted by the Journal of Education and Health Promotion.    
Beiyu Lin (Computer Science) co-authored an article, "Early Forecasting of the Impact of Traffic Accidents Using a Single Shot Observation," which has been accepted to SIAM International Conference on Data Mining 2022 (acceptance rate of about 27.8%). The paper was co-authored with Guangyu Meng (University of Notre Dame), Qisheng Jiang (…
Francine J. Lipman (Law) was listed as one of the top 50 Twitter accounts to follow for tax professional news, updates, scholarship, and other tax law happenings by Bloomberg Tax. Follow Lipman @narfnampil to keep up on 2022 tax news.
Francine J. Lipman (Law) was recognized as the 18th most Social Science Research Network - downloaded U.S. tax law professors for 2021.
Ann Vuong (Epidemiology & Biostatistics) co-published an article, "Dietary Carotenoid Intake and Osteoporosis: the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2005-2018," in the Archives of Osteoporosis.  The study examines the associations of α-carotene, β-carotene, β-cryptoxanthin, lycopene, and lutein + zeaxanthin intake with…
Michelle Tusan (History) received an NEH Fellowship to support her book project, The Last Treaty: The Middle Eastern Front and the End of the First World War.
Hyunhwa 'Henna' Lee (Nursing) and her transdisciplinary team, including graduate students Maiko Suarez (Medicine), and Jacob White (Anthropology), published “Exosomal microRNA Differential Expression in Plasma of Young Adults with Chronic Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Healthy Control” in Biomedicines for the special issue Brain Injury…
Susan Byrne (World Languages and Cultures) has published the article "Historias Juridico-creativas por el Jurista Antonio de la Peña" in the journal Hipogrifo. The article compares the use of juridical details by Miguel de Cervantes in his story "El Curioso Impertinente" with the fictional writings by Italian jurist Poggio Bracciolini used in…
Nikki E. Bennett, Silvio Ernesto, Mirabal Torres, and Peter B. Gray (all Anthropology) published "Exploratory Content Analysis of Direct-to-Consumer Pet Genomics: What is Being Marketed and What are Consumers Saying?" in PLOS ONE. This was the first study on the pet DTC genomics industry in which vendor webpages and consumer product reviews were…