Accomplishments: Women's Council

Arpita Basu (Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences) and her former undergraduate student, Emily Masek, '18 BS Nutrition, together with other co-authors at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation published a report in the journal Food and Function. This report identifies the molecular antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of dietary strawberry…
Susan Byrne (World Languages and Cultures) has published an article, "Transcendence as Hyperbole in "La Fuerza de la Sangre" in Cervantes. The article looks at author Miguel de Cervantes' exaggerated use of symbolism in the named short story as a rhetorical ploy to signal a message of worldly, rather than sublime, transcendence…
Jeffrey Montes, Nathaniel Bodell, Robert Salatto, Andrew Craig-Jones, Cordero Roche, Boram Lim, Alina Swafford, Gabriela Guzman, and Melissa Aure (all Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences) presented at the Southwest American College of Sports Medicine in Costa Mesa, California, last month. All are graduate students. James Navalta is the faculty…
Alexis Billings, Katherine Schultz, Eddy Hernandez, W. Elizabeth Jones, and Donald Price (all Life Sciences) had a paper, "Male Courtship Behaviors and Female Choice Reduced during Experimental Starvation Stress," published in Behavioral Ecology this month. The paper stems from work done in Price's laboratory. Billings, a postdoctoral researcher…
Susan Byrne (World Languages and Cultures) has published “Intellectual Life in the Spanish Renaissance,” an article she co-authored with Distinguished Professor Lía Schwartz of the City University of New York's Graduate School. The article was published in A  Companion to the Spanish Renaissance, edited by Hilaire…
Susanna Newbury (Art) recently appeared on the KCHUNG radio program 9am to discuss her research on art and urban development, and issues of ethics and justice in American oratory. KCHUNG is a freeform community radio station based in Los Angeles, broadcasting locally at 1630 AM and nationally over the web.
Rachell A. Ekroos (Nursing) was selected Texas Christian University’s 2018 Cecil H. and Ida Green Honors Chair. The Cecil H. and Ida Green Honors Chair was established in 1969, by Drs. Cecil H. and Ida Green of Dallas to bring to campus nationally known visiting scholars, scientists, writers, and other career persons on a rotating appointment…
Katrina Liu (Teaching and Learning) was among 15 scholars nationwide invited to speak at Stanford University’s 2018 Race, Inequality and Language in Education (RILE) Conference earlier this month. The theme of the conference was "An Exploration of Interdisciplinary Research: Redefining Problems, Reimagining Possibilities, &…
Christina Miskey, Kelsey Lupo, Andrea Wirth, Cory Lampert, Chelsea Heinbach, Darnelle Melvin, Marina Georgeiva, Seth Shaw, Su Kim Chung, and Emily Lapworth (all Libraries) recently presented during the Digital Library Federation 2018 Forum at the M Resort in Las Vegas. Miskey, Lupo, Wirth, and Lampert presented “Student Support for Digital…
Hilla Sang (Libraries) presented “Data Visualization: Digital Storytelling Using Free Software” during the Nevada Library Association’s 2018 annual meeting, Nevada Libraries are for Everyone.
Carrie Gaxiola and Yvonne Wilk (both Libraries) presented “Chronicling America: Learn About Nevada’s Participation in a Nationwide Historic Newspaper Digitization Initiative” during “Nevada Libraries are for Everyone," the Nevada Library Association’s 2018 annual meeting.
Marina Georgieva (Libraries) presented “Digitization Revealed” during “Nevada Libraries are for Everyone," the Nevada Library Association’s 2018 annual meeting.