Center for Research, Evaluation, and Assessment News
Current Research, Evaluation, and Assessment News

The associate vice president for research shares how she’s redefining the research infrastructure at UNLV, one grant and project at a time.

Donors step up to support UNLV programs that serve the community in the aftermath of October 1 shooting.
Research, Evaluation, and Assessment In The News

The Clark County School District is expecting about 10,000 fewer students this year than last school year, which would mark the sixth consecutive enrollment decline.

The Clark County School District (CCSD) reassigned 60 support professionals during a “surplus” meeting last week.

The Clark County School District reassigned 60 support professionals during a “surplus” meeting last week.
There’s another legislative effort tied to teacher pay that’s advancing through statehouses this spring—eliminating payroll deduction services.

In a generational breakthrough for organized labor and the Democratic Party’s left flank, former teachers’ union organizer Brandon Johnson was elected mayor of Chicago on Tuesday night.
In a generational breakthrough for organized labor and the Democratic Party’s left flank, former teachers’ union organizer Brandon Johnson was elected mayor of Chicago on Tuesday night.