In The News: Center for Research, Evaluation, and Assessment

The Clark County School District is expecting about 10,000 fewer students this year than last school year, which would mark the sixth consecutive enrollment decline.

The Clark County School District (CCSD) reassigned 60 support professionals during a “surplus” meeting last week.

The Clark County School District reassigned 60 support professionals during a “surplus” meeting last week.
There’s another legislative effort tied to teacher pay that’s advancing through statehouses this spring—eliminating payroll deduction services.

In a generational breakthrough for organized labor and the Democratic Party’s left flank, former teachers’ union organizer Brandon Johnson was elected mayor of Chicago on Tuesday night.
In a generational breakthrough for organized labor and the Democratic Party’s left flank, former teachers’ union organizer Brandon Johnson was elected mayor of Chicago on Tuesday night.

I don’t blame our bosses for being surprised. For decades Los Angeles Unified School District’s workforce has been divided into eight different unions. Our contracts expire at different times and labor law often ties our hands, so LAUSD plays us off against each other, to the detriment of all employees.
Teachers in the nation’s second-largest school district joined bus drivers, cafeteria workers and paraprofessionals in a “sympathy strike,” resulting in over 65,000 personnel absences and bringing classes to a halt.
Custodians, bus drivers and other service workers are set to walk out for three days starting Tuesday, with the teachers union joining in solidarity.
School workers and teachers in Los Angeles are poised to go on strike for three days starting Tuesday, shutting down schools and forcing about 430,000 students to stay home.
Districts throughout Tennessee and the nation are working to help students recover from learning losses spurred by the COVID-19 pandemic. But another respiratory illness is threatening to undermine that work.

Flavored tobacco. Sports betting. Taxing millionaires to fund electric vehicles. All face a common enemy this fall: California teachers.