In The News: Brookings Mountain West

Las Vegas Sun

Tesla, Faraday. There is a pattern coming together, and it looks like Nevada could be the pot into which the future of electric travel and electric power is melded.

Las Vegas Sun

North Las Vegas has a grand vision for its economic future.

The economically strapped city foresees an electric car manufacturer bringing thousands of jobs and spurring billions in economic development.

Its problem, for now, is persuading the rest of the state to help out.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Next time there'€™s a Tesla, North Las Vegas will be ready.

Las Vegas Sun

The economy of Las Vegas got off to a slow start in 2015 compared to its neighboring metropolitan areas, with a slight increase in unemployment and growth in economic output that lagged behind the rest of the region, according to a report released today from the think tank Brookings Mountain West.

Phoenix Business Journal

The job climate and housing prices may seem a little sluggish in the Valley of the Sun, but that's only because it's been sluggish throughout the West.

That's at least according to the first quarter tracking results of the Mountain West's economic conditions by the Brookings Institution's Metropolitan Policy Program, released on Monday.

Las Vegas Sun

Zeroing in on Washington to bring our money back home


For a travel destination that offers helicopter tours and jaunts in rented luxury vehicles, getting from point A to point B in Las Vegas can nonetheless pose a challenge.

Las Vegas Sun
In 2013, the Las Vegas Metro Chamber of Commerce and UNLV’s Brookings Mountain West and the Lincy Institute decided to jointly study shortcomings in Southern Nevada’s educational, transportation and tourist infrastructure. To help do that, the Brookings/Lincy team compared our region to other metropolitan areas.
When the mega resort project Resorts World fully opens in 2018, it will be the first hotel and casino property on the Strip that is specifically marketed toward Asian tourists.
KSNV-TV: News 3

With all the recent news of growth and development in Las Vegas, talk has emerged again about possible expansion of the Las Vegas Monorail.

Las Vegas Sun

Cresent Hardy hasn’t prepared a speech, so the characteristically blunt congressman just shoots from the hip.

Looking back at his five months in office and the whirlwind of lessons he's learned from a big new job that once seemed unattainable, he offers this summary:

Al Jazeera America

COMPTON, Calif. – Aida “Didi” Nuñez used to have a car and a job she could drive to. Then she lost her job at a community center when funding dried up. And then she had an accident and lost her car.