In The News: Brookings Mountain West


Governor Brian Sandoval cast himself as the voice of reason between northern and southern Nevada last week at the UNLV campus.

ABC News

Tomorrow night marks the very first primary debate among Democratic presidential candidates.

Las Vegas Review Journal

What can $422 million get you these days? In Nevada, it can buy 50 data center jobs that pay about $30 per hour. It can also buy a state-of-the-art stadium or a light rail system to strengthen the Las Vegas tourism industry.


The number of Hispanics in Nevada has more than doubled over the last 20 years, and Hispanics and Asians are expected to make up half of Las Vegas’ population within the next few years.

The Arizona Republic

Hundreds of winter-weary Midwesterners crowded farm stalls on the first Saturday in May, grabbing at summer’s appetizers.

Las Vegas Sun

Nevada's mining deposits attracted Barrick Gold Corp. to the state years ago.

But a modern resource — technology — made Southern Nevada stand out to the company as it searched for a home for its global IT operations and corporate affairs hub.

The company, which sources nearly half of its output from five Nevada mines, established its first physical presence in the southern half of the state Friday when it opened its new technology facility in Henderson.

Las Vegas Review Journal

The University of Nevada, Las Vegas was dealt a big victory this week when it was chosen to host the final presidential debate before next year's general election, an effort aimed at thrusting UNLV into the national spotlight as it strives to become a better-recognized research institution.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Three transportation leaders say light rail should be a part of Southern Nevada's future, but it would only happen if the community is willing to raise sales taxes or a favorable public-private partnership could be established.

Las Vegas Sun

Las Vegas and Phoenix need to be linked via the interstate highway system. They are the largest U.S. metropolitan areas in close proximity (less than 300 miles apart) without a direct, free-flowing, multiple-lane interstate highway linking them. In fact, a Las Vegas-to-Phoenix interstate highway is the most notable missing segment in the entire Southwestern highway network.

Las Vegas Sun

The 2015 Legislature again revised the state’s Live Entertainment Tax. Recent debates centered on the definition of “live entertainment,” how to collect the tax and exemptions to the tax. But once again Nevada failed to address the most critical issue surrounding this tax.

Las Vegas Sun

So Nevada, you want some economic diversity? North Las Vegas is ready to bring it on.

Reno Gazette-Journal

Every state government has shortcomings, challenges, and weaknesses. Rarely, though, does a state identify, acknowledge and improve upon those problems in ways that are responsive and forward thinking. During this year's legislative session, Nevada broke the mold. It invested in itself. It sought to overcome a serious problem — consistent shortfalls in the receipt of federal funds. It began a process that would not simply position Nevada to get its fair share of federal funds, but also deliver needed benefits to residents across the Silver State.