Accomplishments: Brookings Mountain West

Olivia Cheche (Political Science, Brookings Mountain West, and Honors College) and Joshua Padilla (Civil and Environmental Engineering and Construction) recently co-authored, "Students Shortchanged by Lack of Oversight, Transparency at NSHE." Their Las Vegas Sun OpEd discusses the need to fix the culture within NSHE, citing current and past…
Robert Lang (The Lincy Institute and Brookings Mountain West), David Damore (Political Science), and Karen Danielsen (School of Public Policy and Leadership) recently had a guest column featured in the Las Vegas Sun. Their piece "Bluelining and its Consequences: Nevada Edition," discusses the demographic, economic, geographic, and…
Saha Salahi (Brookings Mountain West and The Lincy Institute) recently had an OpEd, "Pandemic Highlights the Need to Invest in Civic Education" featured in the Las Vegas Sun. She is pursuing a major in communications and is a Brookings public policy minor student.
Marie Falcone (Political Science and Brookings Mountain West) was named Pietro S. Nivola Intern at the Brookings Institution in recognition of her "commitment to the Brookings values of intellectual curiosity, collegiality, inclusion, and leadership." Marie is a 2020 summer intern with the Governance Studies program at the Brookings…
Robert Lang (The Lincy Institute and Brookings Mountain West), William E. Brown, Jr. (Brookings Mountain West), and David Damore (Political Science) had a guest column published in the Las Vegas Sun titled, "Whom Do You Trust? Not NSHE or the Regents." The three discuss the recent special session of the Nevada Legislature, and examine the…
Elia Del Carmen Solano-Patricio (Public Policy and Leadership and Honors), along with Yanneli Llamas, '20 BA Criminal Justice and English, are recipients of the highly competitive and prestigious Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship, awarded by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. This scholarship…
Mary Blankenship (Chemistry and Economics) recently co-authored "From the George Floyd Moment to a Black Lives Matter Movement, in Tweets" with Richard Reeves of the Brookings Institution. They analyzed protest-related tweets between May 27 and June 4 to display the development of the Black Lives Matter movement. Blankenship is pursuing…
Mary Blankenship (Chemistry and Economics) co-authored "How Misinformation Spreads on Twitter" with Carol Graham, Brookings Institution Leo Pasvolsky Senior Fellow. The pair discuss that while social media has many advantages, information pollution is prevalent and in some cases "generate[s] more engagement than factually reliable…
Vanessa Booth (Political Science),  Peter Grema (Economics), and Mary Blankenship (Chemistry and Economics) each received the Office of Undergraduate Research Summer Undergraduate Research Funding Scholarship for Summer 2020. With this funding, these students can continue their research on important public policy issues and…
Mary Blankenship (Chemistry and Economics) recently had an Op-Ed published in the Las Vegas Sun titled, "In an age of misinformation, fact-checking must be encouraged." In her piece, Blankenship discusses how "the pervasiveness of misinformation on social media makes it one of the great challenges of the 21st century." Blankenship is pursuing a…
Kristian Thymianos (Political Science) recently co-authored "To Add Value to Black Communities, We Must Defund the Police and Prison Systems," a piece featured in the Brookings Institution's How We Rise blog, which focuses on "policy solutions to upend structural racism and create a more equitable society for all." Kristian is a summer research…
Robert Lang (The Lincy Institute and Brookings Mountain West) recently coauthored an opinion editorial published in the Las Vegas Sun. In the piece, Dr. Lang and North Las Vegas city manager Ryann Juden discuss Southern Nevada's RISE Together Plan (Recovery and Innovation for a Sustainable Economy). "The RISE plan provides a…