Three women talking to each other during an event.

Alumni Engagement News

Alumni Engagement offers services and opportunities that support 140,000+ alumni and their families. This includes hosting regional and annual events, as well as communicating occasions for networking and career development.

Current Alumni News

Chris Parker hangs from a low beam in the celebatorium
People |

The Engineering Advising Center director rediscovered his true calling — and now helps UNLV students do the same.

individual taking photo of person covered in pie
Campus News |

Join fellow Rebels on March 27 in a day of giving, celebration, and friendly competition — all for a great cause.

spring day on UNLV campus
People |

The associate vice provost of academic effectiveness plays a key role in the accreditation process. 

Will Collins in front of a marquee advertising a gay pride event in 1984 at UNLV
UNLV History |

Author, activist, and alum Dennis McBride on how classmates and allies established one of the city’s first LGBTQ organizations — the Gay Academic Union.

vintage photo of Lyle Rivera writing at desk in dress shirt, vest, and tie
People |

Through his extensive fundraising efforts, Lyle Rivera laid the foundation for UNLV to rise as an educational institution and cultural center.

three women on couch in living room with walls covered in family photos
Research |

UNLV Special Collections workshop helps families collect oral histories, memorabilia, and records to pass down through the generations.

Alumni In The News

Las Vegas Review Journal

“To infinity and beyond” has a special meaning for UNLV alumna Samantha Gruwell, who graduated with a bachelor’s degree in film in 2005 and now works as a department manager in the feature film production division of Pixar Animation Studios.

Today, Governor Sisolak joined UNLV Alumni for the 2022 UNLV Rebel Advocates Spring Luncheon at Fleming’s in Las Vegas today. The event brought together Alumni who participate in the Rebel Advocates program by supporting higher education, university priorities, and the interests of the UNLV alumni community.


I lost a friend not long ago, and so did Nevada.

Las Vegas Review Journal

University of Nevada Las Vegas Alumni Association installed Stacey Purcell as president.

Nevada Business

Goodwill of Southern Nevada is proud to announce the addition of Rick Arpin to their board of directors. Arpin, seasoned finance and operational professional, brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the position. Currently, Arpin serves as an executive with NRT Technology, a provider of financial services technology and other hardware and software products to the gaming industry.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Half a century after graduating from UNLV, 105-year-old Audrey James was back on campus last week as honorary homecoming queen.

Recent Alumni Accomplishments

Dr. Graham McGinnis (Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences) and his former doctoral student Dr. Michael Dial (Ohio State University), along with other members of the Exercise Physiology and Integrated Chronobiology Lab published an article titled, "Social jetlag alters markers of exercise-induced mitochondrial adaptations in the heart," in the…
Robert Rippee (Black Fire Innovation), Amanda Belarmino (Hospitality), and Ph.D. alumna Nasim Binesh recently had an article published in Current Issues in Tourism. Their paper, "User segmentation in human–robot interactions: insights from sports betting patrons using diffusion of innovation theory," groups together different types …
UNLV Alumni Association's "DisruptHERs: How women are leading change in the sport industry” was presented by Nancy Lough (Education), director of the intercollegiate and Professional Sport Management program, and co-director of UNLV's Sport Innovation Initiative. Women’s sport is on the rise. Viewership, attendance, sponsorship investment,…
Dr. Jeff Cummings (Brain Health) published "Trial of Pimavanserin in Dementia-Related Psychosis" in the New England Journal of Medicine.       
John Starkey (Business), Savannah Baltera (Campus Life), Amy Carito (Business Affairs), Amber Sevart (Student Engagement and Diversity), and Liane Lee (Alumni) headed an awareness and fundraising event in April on behalf of the Administrative Faculty Committee that benefited the local nonprofit Project 150. Project 150 is an organization dedicated…
Iris Martinez and Lisa Carnes (both Nursing) each received a $2,500 scholarship from the UNLV Alumni Association. The scholarships were made possible as a result professor Alona Angosta, director of the master of science - nursing program, receiving the UNLV Outstanding Faculty Award this year. Both students applied for and were recognized for…