News: Office of the Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs

Robert Ulmer headshot
Campus News |

Ulmer, a nationally recognized expert on crisis communication and professor with the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, will step in as dean July 1, 2014.

Campus News |
National publication ranks UNLV 11th in its annual analysis of yield – the rate of students accepted who then enroll; up one spot from the past two years.
Campus News |

UNLV financial aid counselor Jaime Carbajal Jr. shares tips on applying for federal aid, winning scholarships, and avoiding scams.

Sandra Hooven
People |

Composition instructor Sandra Hooven shares lessons with new freshman on how to approach the inevitable setbacks in their academic careers.

Marissa Nichols
People |

Grad student and former softball star Marissa Nichols on adopting a winning mindset. Here's some advice she'll share during her UNLV Creates talk.

People get food at the New Student Barbecue
Arts and Culture |

Back-to-school events to highlight campus traditions (new and old), student innovation and inspiration, and what the future holds for UNLV.

A man in a suit smiling.
People |

Remember staring at the list of graduation requirements and wondering, Why do I need that class? UNLV did, too.

Female graduates standing in line during commencement.
People |

Nearly 3,000 Rebels can now proudly call themselves new graduates. A slideshow of the spring commencement ceremonies.

Campus News |
Nearly 3,000 undergraduate, graduate and professional students eligible to participate; Watch it live.