In The News: Department of Social and Behavioral Health

India Currents

Dr. Sharma, a Professor of Social and Behavioral Health, and global public health expert, answers queries on mental health


Am I honest with myself in my thoughts, words, and actions? Do I pretend to be honest, or do I truly aspire to be honest? Who can say that as a child we were not instructed to be honest? Then why as adults, do we sometimes engage in being dishonest, deceitful, and non-truthful? These are some questions that often bother us.

The Daily Guardian

Solitude (ekanta) is a great source of joy for the spiritual aspirant. Solitude refers to the enjoyment of a simple, quiet, contemplative environment where one can just be happy with oneself. It requires not constantly engaging the mind in activity but just taking the time to smell the “roses.” It is just cherishing one’s own company. Solitude should not be mistaken for loneliness. Solitude is different from loneliness.

The Daily Guardian

Two of the Brahmavakyas in Vedas are, “Tat Twam Asi” and “Aham Bramhasmi.” These mean “Thou Art That” or “I am Brahma” respectively which imply the same thing. The prime purpose of human life is to make these not remain just lines from the scriptures to be appreciated but to translate these into real life.

The Daily Guardian

Introspective meditation involves delving deeper into one’s own consciousness to find the answers. It is a very potent tool for spiritual development and refinement.

Boston Globe

Gays, lesbians, and other sexual minorities are twice as likely to rely on friends rather than blood relatives during a health crisis. In one survey of working LGBTQ people, 63 percent said a friend or "chosen family" member had asked for help with health needs.

The Sunday Guardian

Can India look into the US government’s healthcare insurance as a case study to take its Ayushman Bharat to globally accepted delivery parameters?

Sunday Guardian Live

Ramesh Chand, a 42-year-old chartered accountant in Delhi, woke up in the morning at 4 am with severe pain in the jaw so hard that he thought it would explode. He woke his wife and before they could do anything about it, he became unconscious. His wife called the ambulance and upon arrival at the hospital, he was declared dead. Cause: coronary heart disease.

Nevada Current

The Huntridge Family Clinic, the largest LGBTQ+-centered medical clinic in Southern Nevada, announced its temporary closing in April after a decade because of increased staffing costs, but hopes to be able to reopen by the end of the month.

The Sunday Guardian

As we observe a stress awareness month in April, there is cause for concern in India’s context. Stress has reached alarming levels in India. A recent survey conducted by Cigna TTK Health Insurance found that 89% of Indians reported being stressed.

KLAS-TV: 8 News Now

At one point or another most people experience stress which the World Health Organization defines as a state of worry or mental tension and how the body responds to that.

New India Abroad

Americans spend more on prescription drugs than any other country. One of the agendas of the Biden-Harris Administration has been to focus on lowering prescription drug prices and making them more affordable for American families.