In The News: Department of Social and Behavioral Health

The Daily Guardian

Having security is a fundamental requirement for life. We want food, clothing, and shelter security; we want security against the weather; we want financial security; we want security for old age; we want security against sicknesses and other difficult times; we want security against harm from animals as well as other human beings and the list keeps going on and on. If we were to believe our insurance companies, then we need security for everything. How much security do we really need?

India Currents

Dr. Manoj Sharma, an expert on Social and Behavioral Health, answers queries on overcoming anxiety.

The Daily Guardian

Ethics is a branch of philosophy that deals with the study of morality or making the right choices. The word has been derived from the Greek word ethos meaning character. Can the right choice be made?

The Daily Guardian

Bhagavad Gita describes equanimity (samachitvam) in Chapter 13, Verse 10 as an essential spiritual quality.

The Daily Guardian

The Controversy Surrounding Fish Oil Consumption: Separating Fact from Fiction

India Currents

A Q&A with Dr. Manoj Sharma on the impact of social media, stress and sleep deprivation among teens.

The Daily Guardian

Caring begins within, resonating outward to encompass all living beings and the environment.

The Daily Guardian

An important aspect of being a human being is to develop an awareness regarding the discomfort or suffering that we can cause for others. Such disposition entails not injuring any form of life, as far as possible, through our thoughts, words, or actions and instead providing comfort wherever there is injury.

The Daily Guardian

Anger (krodha) is an emotion or mood that all of us have felt. Some of us feel it more frequently than others but nobody is bereft of this feeling.

The Daily Guardian

The word “Duty” in English language was derived from the French word deu (due) around 13th Century to signify repayment of obligations.

The Daily Guardian

In India, obesity has been increasing with about 350 million people fighting the battle against the bulge. There are two types of obesity – general and abdominal.

The Daily Guardian

A word that is described as a fundamental spiritual quality in Bhagavad Gita is “amanitvam” (Chapter 13.8). The English translation of this word is humility or not being proud of material existence.