Accomplishments: Lee Business School

Ken Peffers (Management, Entrepreneurship and Technology) and co-author Tuure Tuunanen from the University of Jyväskylä in Finland recently published "Population Targeted Requirements Acquisition" in the European Journal of Information Systems.
Vivek Sah (Lied Institute for Real Estate Studies) recently presented "Bubble Trouble - Deja Vu? Then (2006) vs Now (2018)" to the Greater Las Vegas Area Realtors Trends Committee. The presentation focused on the state of the housing market in Las Vegas.
Kirk Silvernail (Management, Entrepreneurship and Technology) recently presented his paper, "Do We Treat Ourselves Fairly? The Fairness of Academic Freedom and Faculty Governance Worldwide" at the 78th annual meeting of the Academy of Management in Chicago.
Stephen M. Miller (Center for Business and Economic Research) recently co-authored a research paper, "Partisan Conflict and Income Inequality in the United States: A Nonparametric Causality-in-Quantiles Approach." The paper examines the predictive power of a partisan conflict on income inequality. 
Stephen M. Miller (Center for Business and Economic Research) and Giorgio Canarella (Economics) recently co-authored "The Determinants of Growth in the U.S. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Industry: A Firm-Level Analysis" published in the Economics Modeling journal.
Danny Siciliano, Ashley Brinkmeyer, Savannah Schmidt, Esther Lee, Jesika Herrera, Simon Zhu, Naomi Tekabe, Katrina Scheuermann, Jacob Lennard, and Charmaine Pancho (all Accounting) recently participated in the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) annual National Student Case Competition in Indianapolis. In the final round…
Won-Yong Oh (Management, Entrepreneurship, and Technology) and his co-authors' business case study "Macy's Inc.: Turnaround Strategy in Crisis" was published with Ivey Publishing. This case describes how Macy’s, one of the world’s largest and oldest premier department stores, made strategic changes for a successful turnaround.…
John Starkey (Business) just graduated from the 10-month Chamber of Commerce leadership program, Leadership Las Vegas. Out of the 60-person 2018 class, he was one of the two youngest members, both age 30.   "Leadership Las Vegas is the premier community leadership building program in Southern Nevada, designed for executives and…
Won-Yong Oh (Management, Entrepreneurship and Technology) and his co-authors' paper "Experience-Based Human Capital or Fixed Paradigm Problem? CEO Tenure, Contextual Influences, and Corporate Social (Ir)responsibility" was published in the Journal of Business Research. This study examines the effect of CEO tenure on a firm's social outcomes —…
Robyn Raschke (Accounting) published an article, "The Influence of a Good Relationship between the Internal Audit and Information Security Functions on Information Security Outcomes," in Accounting, Organizations & Society with Paul Steinbart (Arizona State University), William Dilla (Iowa State University), and Graham Gal (University of…
Wonyong Oh (Management, Entrepreneurship, and Technology) and his colleagues recently presented at the International Association for Business and Society Conference in Hong Kong. 
Stephen Brown (Economics) and his co-author, Maura Allaire (graduate student at the University of North Carolina at time of publication, now assistant professor at UC Irvine), recently received the award for best paper covering the period of 2012-16 at the International Association for Energy Economics Conference in Groningen, Netherlands,…