Accomplishments: School of Public Health

Gabriela Buccini (Social and Behavioral Health) was a presenter at the 18th Confelanyd (Conference of the Latin American Confederation of Nutritionists and Dietitians). One of the major international events for the Latin American and Caribbean community of nutritionists from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador,…
Zaijing Sun (Health Physics and Diagnostic Sciences) was invited and presented his research “A Preliminary Study of the Organic and Nonorganic Food Ingredients with Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis” in the NCNR Seminar series of the Center for Neutron Research at the National Institute of Standard and Technology.  In…
Manoj Sharma (Social and Behavioral Health) and Kavita Batra (Medicine) have published the article, “The Role of Vitamin E in Slowing Down Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Narrative Review” in collaboration with Ram Lakhan of Berea College and Frazier Beatty of Regis College.   The article explores the possible neuroprotective effect of…
Ann Vuong (Epidemiology & Biostatistics) published a paper entitled "Plasma Fluorescent Oxidation Products and Bone Mineral Density Among Male Veterans: A Cross-Sectional Study" published in the Journal of Clinical Densitometry. The study examines the association between fluorescent oxidation products and bone mineral density among male…
Yonsu Kim (Healthcare Administration & Policy) published a paper on "What drives variations in public health and social services expenditures? the association between political fragmentation and local expenditure patterns" in the European Journal of Health Economics. While it has been suggested that public health and social services spending…
Jose Melendrez and Christopher Johansen (both Public Health) and Julie Lucero of UNR presented at the CBPR Institute's first of three sessions. Sponsored by the School of Public Health, Nevada Minority Health & Equity Coalition, and the UNR Latino Research Center. The first session of the CBPR Institute was "What is …
Manoj Sharma (Social and Behavioral Health) and Kavita Batra (Medicine) have edited a research monograph entitled, “COVID-19: Impact on Public Health and Healthcare. Approaches to Decrease the COVID-19 Impact” published by MDPI (Switzerland). Empirical evidence related to handwashing behavior, mask wearing behavior, sanitizer development,…
Mingon Kang (Computer Science), Ji Yoo (Medicine), and Jay Shen (Healthcare Administration and Policy) have been awarded a grant of $245,000 from the Minority Research Grant Program of Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services. The research team will use novel computational and clinical strategies, including a deep learning-based risk score…
Erika Marquez (Environmental & Occupational Health) co-published an article on "Childhood Lead Poisoning Associated with Turmeric Spices — Las Vegas, 2019" in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.
Qing Wu (Epidemiology & Biostatistics) published a paper on "Trends and disparities in osteoarthritis prevalence among US adults, 2005-2018" in the journal Scientific Reports. This study aimed to examine the trend of osteoarthritis prevalence in men and women and within race/ethnicity and socioeconomic status groups from 2005 to 2018. The…
Ann Vuong (Epidemiology & Biostatistics) is a co-investigator on the project "Impact of Pre- and Postnatal Chemical Mixture Exposures on Child Neurobehavior and Neuroimaging," which is receiving a five-year grant from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences for $3,187,411. The project will investigate mixtures of more than…
Gabriela Buccini (Public Health) published a new article, "Population-based approaches for monitoring the nurturing care environment for early childhood development: A scoping review" in the Maternal and Child Nutrition journal.  Given the great variability in methods used to measure the nurturing care (NC) environment, valid approaches based…