News: School of Nursing

Palm trees and U.N.L.V. banner
Campus News |
UNLV Team To Survey Students and Staff, Draft Tobacco Free Campus Policies and Introduce Cessation Programs at UNLV, CSN and Nevada State
Employee of the Month awards
People |

This monthly award program recognizes classified staff employees who go above and beyond and contribute an extra something while on the job.

Palm trees and U.N.L.V. banner
Research |
Yearlong Residency Program for New Graduate Nurses at Two Local Hospitals Improves Clinical Skills, Reduces Anxiety and Leads to Near Perfect Retention
Palm trees and U.N.L.V. banner
People |
Sally Miller
Research |

Nursing professor addresses both physical and psychological aspects of losing weight.

Nancy Menzel
Research |

Preventing injuries an important issue for nurse retention.

Nursing professor Yu Xu headshot
Research |

Success of foreign-trained nurses boosted through communication skills training.

Michele Clark
Research |

Nursing professor hopes to prevent burnout in people caring for sick or elderly relatives.

Research |
With the sounds and smells of a hospital assaulting their senses, nursing students learn from their mistakes in advanced training facility.
Research |

Increasing the number of graduates is still a priority, but UNLV’s School of Nursing also seeks to build its research and enhance understanding of the endeavor.

Research |
UNLV's state-of-the-art simulation center recreates the drama nurses experience every day.
Man welding up on a pole
Business and Community |

UNLV fall-prevention and safety training program targets the local construction workforce and Latino workers, a group that suffers disproportionately from workplace injury and death.