Accomplishments: School of Nursing

Amy Glasofer, Catherine Dingley, and Andrew Thomas Reyes (all Nursing) published an article, “Medication Decision Making Among African American Caregivers of Children with ADHD: A Review of the Literature” in the Journal of Attention Disorders. The article was published online in June ahead of print. Glasofer is a doctoral student.
Hyunhwa 'Henna' Lee (Nursing) and her interdisciplinary team authored an article, “Long-Term Impact of Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries on Multiple Functional Outcomes and Epigenetics: A Pilot Study with College Students,” in Applied Sciences for the Special Issue Biomarkers and Human Biomonitoring in Occupational Medicine. The aim of…
Mary D. Bondmass (Nursing) and Sarah Mollman, '18 PhD Nursing, are the authors of "Intentional Learning: A Student-centered Pedagogy," which appears in the International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship.  
Nirmala Lekhak (Nursing) was awarded a Zeta Kappa-at-Large Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International grant of $2,500 for the research project titled “Coping with Coronavirus Pandemic Study” for the period of May 2020 to April 2021.
Andrew Thomas Reyes (Nursing) published an article, “Matters of HEARTS: Health, Experience of Abuse, Resilience, Technology Use, and Safety of Older Adults,” in the Educational Gerontology Journal.
KellyAnn Garthe and Catherine Dingley (both Nursing), along with Michael Johnson of Nevada State College, recently published their paper, “A Historical and Contemporary Literature Review of Rejection Sensitivity in Marginalized Populations” in the Journal of Health Disparities Research and Practice. Their paper synthesized the literature on…
Dustin Davis, James Navalta, Graham McGinnis, Arpita Basu (all Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences), Reimund Serafica (Nursing), and Ken Izuora (Medicine) published a comprehensive invited review on the role of acute dietary polyphenols and post-meal physical activity in improving postprandial hyperglycemia and related metabolic impairments…
Sarah Deredza, Tonya Bryant, Mailo Brantner, and Jud Simonds (all Nursing) successfully defended their DNP Projects to earn the title of doctor. Deredza focused on “The Impact of Culture-specific Education on the Knowledge and Behavior Related to Screening and Lifestyle Management of Blood Pressure in African Migrants.” Bryant focused on “…
Andrew Thomas Reyes, Judzia Bombard, and William Gangozo (all Nursing), Tirth Bhatta (Sociology), and Venkatesan Muthukumar (Electrical & Computer Engineering), published an article, “Promoting Resilience Among College Student Veterans Through an Acceptance-and-Commitment-Therapy App: An Intervention Refinement Study,” in the Community Mental…
Angela Amar (Nursing) recently was appointed by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) to serve on its Government Affairs Committee. The committee works toward advancing the AACN's federal policy agenda. The AACN is the national voice for academic nursing. It works to establish quality standards for nursing education; assists…
Beth Hock, Jocelyn Allen, Kaylie Humphreys, Mary Nara, and Teresa Praus (all Nursing) recently earned their doctor of nursing practice (DNP) degrees.  Hock's DNP project was "Creating a Structural Empowerment Culture: A Professional Development Module for the Novice Nurse Leader." Allen's project was "Increasing Nurses' Knowledge of Advance…
Andrew Thomas Reyes, William Gangozo (both Nursing), Tirth Bhatta (Sociology), and Venkatesan Muthukumar (Electrical & Computer Engineering), published an article, “Testing the Acceptability and Initial Efficacy of a Smartphone-app Mindfulness Intervention for College Student Veterans with PTSD.” This article is published in the April issue of…