News: College of Sciences

Palm trees and U.N.L.V. banner
Campus News |

UNLV President Neal Smatresk announced that Timothy L. Porter, Ph.D., has been named the next dean of the UNLV College of Sciences.

Man swimming with a dolphin
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A partnership between UNLV and The Mirage Dolphin Habitat helps students learn the ins and outs of training dolphins.

U-N-L-V sign
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Professors in a wide range of disciplines captured top teaching honors at the end of spring semester.

U.N.L.V. sign on academic mall
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A number of UNLV professors receive systemwide and universitywide awards for notable research and creative activities.

Palm trees and U.N.L.V. banner
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Two UNLV Research Teams Receive Funding as Part of DOE’s Nuclear Energy University Program; UNLV One of Only 23 Universities Selected
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Michael Dakduk and Shipra De received highly competitive national scholarships to further their education.

Bing Zhang poses for camera
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Although they are small in number — five full-time faculty members and one part-time professor — and their program is relatively new, UNLV astrophysics professors have not escaped the attention of the National Science Foundation and NASA. Both agencies now actively fund the group's research and rely on their expertise to ensure mission success.

Lake Mead
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While drought conditions in the West continue to produce record drops in water levels at Lake Mead, a rising tide of research at UNLV seeks to address some of the region's most pressing water issues.

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UNLV researchers complete detailed model showing how the shallow sediments of the Las Vegas Valley will respond during an earthquake.

Student hiking through a forest
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Students put down books and pick up passports for unique learning experiences.

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Volcanologist’s career, UNLV programs develop as nuclear waste repository battle drug out.
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A life sciences doctoral student is exploring the habitat choices of speckled rattlesnakes in the Mojave Desert. This research will help hikers avoid them during hiking season and improve conservation efforts for the desert serpents.