News: College of Sciences

petri dish and beakers containing liquids
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In 2018, faculty and students collaborated with one another and international colleagues on scientific exploration that sought to help people make sense of themselves and the world around them.

UNLV students at commencement
Campus News |

UNLV president Marta Meana will highlight exceptional graduating students at commencement who embody the academic, research, and community impact of the Winter 2018 graduating class.

The Milky Way Galaxy seen over the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array west of Socorro, New Mexico.
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Astrophysicists discover a large population of potential young planets in distant solar systems.

"bathtub ring" around Lake Mead
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Climate change researcher Matt Lachniet explains the impacts of hotter temperatures.

woman presenting at research symposium
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Sometimes they find that by helping others, they also help themselves.

Rose Shillito
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Scholarship fuels research that could save communities from floods.

Kenneth Jones
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College of Sciences Alumnus of the Year Kenneth Bruce Jones found a mentor during a game of three-on-three.

Brett Riddle holding a bike.
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Location, environment — and one superb teacher — inspired Riddle to get into the field of biogeography.

gloved hand squirting liquid from syringe onto a petri dish
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The public is invited to get a first-hand glimpse at innovation.

Shaimaa Abdelhaleem
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Most kids want to be doctors, vets, police officers, or teachers when they grow up. Shaimaa Abdelhaleem had different ideas.

A plate of dollar bills shedded and coins with a knife and fork
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UNLV researchers explore how plant genes, food rescue, and financial savvy could help feed humankind.

Honors College signage
Research |

The Research & Creative Honors Program helps UNLV undergrads prepare for graduate research work.