News: College of Sciences

artist conception of cosmic event
Research |

Two dense, city-sized stars collided in a galaxy far, far away; the resulting X-rays give UNLV’s Bing Zhang and international team of astronomers a new way to spot when it happens and a rare glimpse into how neutron stars form.

Collage of students
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UNLV’s Research & Creative Honors Program provides undergraduates with unique opportunities that prepare them for graduate studies.

A scientist recoils from The Machine. (Illustration by Chris Jones)
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Professor Clemens Heske's pride and joy is unique worldwide in its ability to study surface chemistry.

four portraits of women
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Four students on the chances they’ve taken, the confidence they’ve gained, and the dreams they continue to chase.

Palm trees and U.N.L.V. banner
People |

From UNLV Magazine spring 2019 issue.

woman working on a wax model of skull
Campus News |

UNLV dental students build up models rather than dissect cadavers to learn the physical landmarks of the jaw.

An image of the Earth depicted as a flat surface.
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As the Flat Earth Theory gains resurgence with a new Netflix documentary, a UNLV astronomer explains how it fizzles.

A portrait of doctoral student Michael Issacs
People |

Ph.D. student Michael Isaacs goes back to the basics to helping people with disabilities walk.

Bhagya De Silva portrait
People |

Doctoral student Bhagya De Silva traveled more than nine thousand miles to mine for better Alzheimer's Treatments.

dna strand made of veggies atop a dinner plate with silverware at sides
Business and Community |

Food Genes and Me is a site and software that lets users figure out health risks and how to solve them within minutes.

A portrait of George Rhee, a professor of physics and astronomy at UNLV.
Research |

UNLV physicist developed a calculator to compute the significance of using renewables in a warming world.

U.N.L.V. graduate in cap and gown in crowd
Campus News |

A collection of stories highlighting UNLV students and faculty who made the news in 2018.