Accomplishments: College of Sciences

Eddy Hernandez (Life Sciences), a senior majoring in biology, was awarded a 2019 Station1 Frontiers Fellowship, which is a unique and prestigious 10-week residential summer science and technology education, research, and internship program based in the Boston area. He was selected from more than 800 applicants across the nation and the…
Kelly Tseng (Life Sciences) was a speaker at the BioEM 2019 Conference, the joint annual meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association, in Montpellier, France, in June. Her talk was titled "Bioelectrical Signaling Regulates Eye Regeneration." She presented the findings of her…
Mary Blankenship (Chemistry, Economics, and Brookings Mountain West) recently co-authored a brief featured on the Brookings Institution blog, the Brown Center Chalkboard. The piece discusses the shortage of STEM teachers and the wage penalties teachers face in STEM. The piece originally was published June 17. She is an undergraduate…
Yang Jiao (Electrical and Computer Engineering) recently presented a paper at Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2019 about object tracking in 3D fluorescence volumes. The paper is based on work done by Jiao in collaboration with Mei Yang (Electrical and Computer Engineering) and Mo Weng (Life Science). This work targets the challenge of 3D…
Donald Price (Life Sciences) was part of a team including scientists from Harvard, Bishop Museum, Louisiana State University, UC Davis, and the University of Hawaii that recently published an article in Current Biology titled "Reproductive Capacity Evolves in Response to Ecology through Common Changes in Cell Number in Hawaiian Drosophila." …
Joy A. McKenna (Life Sciences) was selected by the Graduate College to receive the first place 2018-19 UNLV Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award, which is a highly selective and prestigious award recognizing a strong commitment to outstanding pedagogy and successful experiences thus far with undergraduate instruction at UNLV.…
Balakrishnan Naduvalath (Chemistry & Biochemistry) is part a research team that received the coveted Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) award from the Department of Defense, Army Research Office. The interdisciplinary team from multiple institutions (Harvard; Stanford; University of Colorado Boulder;…
Elizabeth Stacy and Donald Price (both Life Sciences), along with two former graduate students from the Stacy lab, have a paper in press, "Varieties of the Highly Dispersible and Hypervariable Tree, Metrosideros polymorpha, Differ in Response to Mechanical Stress and Light Across a Sharp Ecotone" in the American Journal of Botany. This study…
Kelly Tseng, Cindy Kha, and Dylan Guerin (all Life Sciences) published a research article, "Using the Xenopus Developmental Eye Regrowth System to Distinguish the Role of Developmental Versus Regenerative Mechanisms," in the journal Frontiers in Physiology. This study addressed the role of developmental mechanisms in…
Elizabeth Stacy and Tomoko Sakishima (both Life Sciences) authored a paper in press for the Journal of Biogeography, "Phylogeography of the Highly Dispersible Landscape-dominant Woody Species Complex, Metrosideros, in Hawaii." They carried out a population genetic analysis of >1,500 adults of Hawaii's dominant tree from across the…
Hokwon Cho (Math) published "Two-Stage Procedure of Fixed-Width Confidence Intervals for the Risk Ratio" in the Springer journal, Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability. The article provides the two-stage sampling design and its procedure for obtaining fixed-width confidence intervals and optimal sample sizes for the risk ratio or…
William R. Speer (Mathematics Learning Center) recently presented a talk on "Successful Transition to College Readiness through Collaboration with and Cooperation of Stakeholders" at the World Future Forum held at the Palmer House Hotel in Chicago last month.