Accomplishments: School of Dental Medicine

Dr. Rachelle Davidowitz (Dental) recently published her manuscript "Salivary Screening for Selenomonas Noxia in the Oral Cavity of Pediatric Patients" with Dr. Katherine Howard and Dr. Karl Kingsley (both Dental) in the inaugural issue of Current Dental Research Journal. Davidowitz is a pediatric dental resident.
Jeffrey Ebersole (Dental) co-authored “Biological Response to Peri-Implantitis Treatment,” which investigated biological markers of peri-implantitis (PIP) in crevicular fluid before and after surgical and antimicrobial therapy. The researchers concluded that elevated concentrations of interleukin-1β in peri-implant crevicular fluid (PICF) were…
Dr. James Mah (Dental) authored “Clear Aligner Therapy (CAT) in Two Hyperdivergent Patients,” which appeared in the June issue of the Journal of Aligner Orthodontics. His study presented complex clinical cases in which clear orthodontic aligners can be used with excellent results. The cases support the general notion that patients with increased…
Jeffrey Ebersole (Dental) accepted an invitation to be a plenary speaker during the first International Academy of Periodontology Research Conference, which brought together a unique collection of key opinion and thought leaders in periodontal research. The three-day conference addressed contemporary aspects of periodontology, and was attended by…
Kenneth Izuora (Medicine), Gayle Allenback, Civon Gewelber, and Michael Neubauer (all Dental Medicine) presented the results from their research at the American Diabetes Association's 79th Scientific Sessions in San Francisco earlier this month. They looked at factors that were associated with having a diagnosis of osteoporosis among…
Jeffrey Ebersole (Dental) co-authored “Epidemiologic Evaluation of Nhanes for Environmental Factors and Periodontal Disease,” which appeared in the June issue of Nature Scientific Reports. The study’s findings indicated an array of environmental variables were different in periodontitis among smokers, former smokers, and non-smokers, with a subset…
Karl Kingsley, Cale Forgues, and Eric Mullins (all Dental) had their manuscript, "Effects of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) on Dental Pulp Stem Cells (DPSC)," published in the latest tissue of Current Research in Medicine. Forgues and Mullins both are dental students.
Dr. Edward Lynch (Dental) co-authored "Pain, Inflammation and Infection: A Daily Challenge in Every Clinical Practice; Role for Lasers?" that appears in the June issue of EC Dental Science. The study’s findings indicated that a diode laser is an effective analgesic, a powerful anti-inflammatory, that can be used to improve the quality of tissue…
Drs. Katherine Howard and Karl Kingsley (both Dental), along with Dr. Nimrat Dhillon, '19 Graduate Certificate in Pediatric Dentistry, recently published their manuscript "Prevalence of Selenomonas noxia among Pediatric and Adult O" in the International Journal of Research and Reports in Dentistry.
Dr. Bernard Hurlbut (Dental) accepted an invitation by Lanzhou University’s School of Stomatology in Gansu, China, to share his teaching expertise about CAD/CAM technologies. He also discussed integrating intra-oral scanning, preparation evaluation, and digital design into the program’s curriculum. The university is pursuing a substantial building…
Dr. Edward Lynch (Dental) has just been elected again by his peers as the 29th most influential person in dentistry in 2019, The results were published in the U.K. Journal Dentistry this month in May. Lynch is one of only two people to have been voted every year in the Top 50 influencers in Dentistry since this voting started 17 years ago.
Dr. Edward Lynch (Dental) co-authored “Performance and Safety of Handheld, Portable X-ray Units,” which appears in the April issue of the Journal of the Greater Houston Dental Society. The findings indicated that new hand-held radiography units were clinically acceptable, with the anticipated operator dose well below the annual occupational limits…