Accomplishments: Howard R. Hughes College of Engineering

Assistant professor H. Jeremy Cho (Mechanical Engineering) has received the NSF CAREER award for his project, "Continuous atmospheric water harvesting through gels." This award for $596,487 will support research on atmospheric water harvesting for five years through a UNLV-developed hydrogel membrane design. Atmospheric water harvesting is a way…
Each year during the Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) Fall Undergraduate Research Symposium, OUR recognizes and honors UNLV faculty members with a record of excellence in inspiring, influencing, supporting, and mentoring undergraduate researchers in their professional development, career training, and educational journey. OUR awards one…
Kennedy Wharton (Engineering) is the recipient of the Leading by Example Award for being a returning peer mentor who went above and beyond to serve mentees and fellow peer mentors in the Peer Mentoring program. The program is part of the First-Year Experience under the office of vice provost for undergraduate education.
Maddie Carroll (Engineering) is the recipient of the Peer Mentor Development Award for demonstrating outstanding growth in the position and committing themselves to ongoing learning and professional development in the Peer Mentoring program. The program is part of the First-Year Experience under the office of vice provost for…
Junggab Son (Computer Science), a corresponding-authored paper titled "Defensive Adversarial Training for Enhancing Robustness of ECG based User Identification" was accepted for presentation in IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM). 
Mingon Kang (Computer Science) published a paper titled, "Hi-LASSO: High-performance python and apache spark packages for feature selection with high-dimensional data," in PLOS ONE in collaboration with Gyeongsang National University in South Korea. The graduate student authors at Gyeongsang National University conducted this research under the…
Yang Jiao (Electrical and Computer Engineering), Lingkun Gu (Life Sciences), Yingtao Jiang (Electrical and Computer Engineering), Mo Weng (Life Sciences), and Mei Yang (Electrical and Computer Engineering) published a paper titled, "Digitally predicting protein localization and manipulating protein activity in fluorescence images using 4D…
Junggab Son (Computer Science) published a co-authored article titled, "Blockchain-based One-time Authentication for Secure V2X Communication Against Insiders and Authority Compromise Attacks," in IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IF=10.238).   
Traffic safety research student researchers, Merika Charupoom (Undergraduate) and Carmen Hollifield (Medicine), presented research from the Traffic Safety Research team at the 150th American Public Health Association (APHA) annual meeting. Charupoom shared the geospatial map created to raise awareness for pedestrian fatalities in Southern Nevada…
Mingon Kang, along with his doctoral student Sai Kosaraju (both Computer Science), published a paper titled, "Deep learning-based framework for slide-based histopathological image analysis," in Scientific Reports. The paper proposed a generalized framework for slide-based histopathological image analysis, and we showed promising results in…
Hal Berghel (Computer Science) co-authored an article titled, "Ukraine Aftershocks," which appears in the current issue of IEEE Computer. This article calls attention to two aftershocks of the Ukraine-Russia war: Asymmetric warfare and the resilience of Ukraine's software outsourcing capability. 
Justin Neubauer (Mechanical Engineering), published a paper titled, "Tunable polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU)-based soft polymer gel sensors," in Smart Materials and Structures.