In The News: College of Liberal Arts

Las Vegas Review Journal

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's proposal to spent $2 billion a year to battle Alzheimer's disease was welcomed Tuesday by Las Vegas researchers who say effective treatments are desperately needed given the growing number of elderly affected by the disease.

Washington Post

Attention dog-loving singles! A new study has confirmed what so many dog park visits and “yappy hours” and gimmicky Instagram accounts have already made so obvious: Your furry friend can help get you laid.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Funny thing about the Christmas holiday season: For many travelers, it's the only time each year when the joys of visiting family members or escaping on a holiday vacation are strong enough to outweigh the fears of getting onto a plane and actually flying.

The New Yorker

For all that investigators have learned about the San Bernardino terrorist attack, a mystery persists: How did Syed Rizwan Farook and his wife Tashfeen Malik—a couple with an infant, an American family, and, in the father’s case, a reputation as an easygoing colleague—maintain a hidden life as terrorists-to-be? Who did they deceive and how?

The Washington Post

Terrorism has emerged as the top concern among Republican primary voters, and Donald Trump is seen as the candidate best equipped to combat it. This is the main reason Trump has popped in the polls since his call last week for a temporary ban on Muslim immigration into the United States.

Boston Herald

As he readies for tonight’s debate, Donald Trump’s improbable march to the GOP nomination could hit stumbling blocks in the early-state primaries, where his base is unproven and social conservatives are gravitating toward his biggest competitor, political watchers warn.

Science News

Scientists trying to untangle the human evolutionary family’s ancient secrets welcomed a new set of tantalizing and controversial finds this year. A series of fossil discoveries offered potentially important insights into the origins of the human genus, Homo. Most notably, a group of South African fossils triggered widespread excitement accompanied by head-scratching and vigorous debate.

Fox News Latino

The organizations America's Voice and Latino Decisions on Monday announced a project that will seek to mobilize Latino voters in 10 key states with an eye toward helping the Democrats recover control of the Senate in 2016.

Wisconsin Public Radio

A pro-immigration group says Latinos could help decide next year's U.S. Senate contest in Wisconsin.

USA Today

Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina are getting more publicity, but it's a good bet that a fourth state will play a pivotal role in the 2016 Republican presidential race.


If you want a date, maybe you should get a dog, first.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Credit — or, maybe, blame — Bill Cosby's sweaters on "The Cosby Show" or Chevy Chase's sweaters in "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation," or every dad, brother, uncle or grandfather who ever felt compelled to don his most questionable apparel to seek a few laughs on the holiday party circuit.