In The News: Department of Political Science

La Reforma

Cancellation thousand 600 million dollars in investment in Mexico Ford is just the beginning, he warned yesterday the US president - elect.

KLAS-TV: 8 News Now

Throughout the campaign season, Donald Trump made promises about what he would do his first 100 days in office. Among the most controversial of promises Trump said he would build a wall between Mexico and the United States.

KLAS-TV: 8 News Now

Throughout the campaign season, Donald Trump made promises about what he would do his first 100 days in office. Among the most controversial of promises Trump said he would build a wall between Mexico and the United States.

KLAS-TV: 8 News Now

Las Vegas is home to more than 20,000 Cubans, many who are conflicted by Fidel Castro's death. The longtime dictator of Cuba died Thursday at the age of 90. His death has raised questions about the significance of his passing.

Las Vegas Sun

It might be difficult for Nevadans to believe, but there were places where Americans could watch TV for hours on end this fall without seeing ads for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.

Las Vegas Sun

It might be difficult for Nevadans to believe, but there were places where Americans could watch TV for hours on end this fall without seeing ads for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.

Las Vegas Sun

It might be difficult for Nevadans to believe, but there were places where Americans could watch TV for hours on end this fall without seeing ads for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.


Most Democratic lawmakers returned to Washington this week in a state of mourning, still reeling from the gut punch they took in last week’s election. One delegation of Democrats, however, had reason for a (restrained) victory lap.

New China

U.S. President-elect Donald Trump' s stunning political upset has sparked protests in several major cities nationwide, and the demonstrations may continue for some time. That's because Trump has elicited much controversy over the past year in one of the most controversial and nastiest presidential races.


Exit polling conducted around the United States shows President-elect Donald Trump receiving 29 percent of the Latino vote. The polling was conducted by Edison Research. That number is about the same as John McCain and Mitt Romney received when they ran for president. That number comes as a surprise to Latino Decisions, a group that polls Hispanic voters across the country. In fact, the group doesn’t believe the number is accurate.

Las Vegas Review Journal

It happened, again. In an election considered fertile for political outsiders — a year when businessman and former reality TV star Donald Trump upset political behemoth Hillary Clinton in the race for President — all four incumbent Democrats on the Clark County Commission easily turned aside Republican opponents.

The Week

Around two years ago, before this presidential race started, President Barack Obama had said that it would be difficult for Democrats to have another term after him. People may want a new car smell, he put it. But, he put in all his might in rallying for his former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, even roping in his ace card—wife Michelle. In the last days of the race, Obama worked almost full-time in the campaign, personally naming and shaming Donald Trump. But, he could not undo his prophecy.