In The News: Department of Political Science

Las Vegas Review Journal

In October 2016, candidate Donald Trump came to Las Vegas to face the question all presidential hopefuls who think they can win Nevada must face: Did he support building a nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain?

Open Secrets

The list of GOP senators unhappy with the initial draft of the Republican health care bill continues to grow. Before Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) decided to postpone the vote, six GOP senators announced they would vote against it. Since then, that number has doubled.

The Nevada Independent

Assemblywoman Olivia Diaz (D-North Las Vegas) introduced Assembly Bill 407 earlier this session. The bill reorganizes the management of Cooperative Extension Services (CES) into two regions, with UNLV administering the Southern Region (Clark, Lincoln, and Nye Counties, which collectively constitute 75 percent of the state’s population) and UNR administering the Northern Region (comprised of the 14 northernmost counties). UNR currently runs CES throughout Nevada.

The Nevada Independent

Assemblywoman Olivia Diaz (D-North Las Vegas) introduced Assembly Bill 407 earlier this session. The bill reorganizes the management of Cooperative Extension Services (CES) into two regions, with UNLV administering the Southern Region (Clark, Lincoln, and Nye Counties, which collectively constitute 75 percent of the state’s population) and UNR administering the Northern Region (comprised of the 14 northernmost counties). UNR currently runs CES throughout Nevada.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Right up to the final days and into the eve of the 100 day milestone, President Donald Trump governed and sought to implement his agenda with a showman’s talent and an uncanny ability to defy expectations.

Las Vegas Review Journal

California lawmakers are considering legislation to make the Golden State’s 2020 presidential primary the third in the nation after Iowa and New Hampshire, cutting in ahead of Nevada’s February caucuses.

Las Vegas Review Journal

President Donald Trump addressed the North America’s Business Trades Unions 2017 legislative conference Tuesday with the clear expectation the crowd would respond favorably to his “America First” rhetoric and his pledge to spend $1 trillion on America’s infrastructure.

Las Vegas Review Journal

When it comes to big-dollar contributions in local elections, donors hope their money translates to access.

Las Vegas Review Journal

In a bill spanning nearly 300 pages, a Nevada Assemblyman this week laid out his plans for giving community colleges a greater voice.

Las Vegas Sun

April 4 is primary election day for Southern Nevada’s major municipalities, but for most residents, it will probably feel like just another Tuesday. Political engagement through protests and social media conversations about national topics may be up following the election of President Donald Trump, but don’t expect interest to trickle down to the local level.

Las Vegas Review Journal

After serving more than 30 years on the Henderson City Council, term-limited Mayor Andy Hafen is passing the torch. Sitting councilwoman Debra March has been eyeing the position more than a year, and if she wins election March would become the first non-Mormon mayor of Henderson, according to UNLV political science professor David Damore. March was appointed to City Council in 2009 and re-elected in 2011 and 2015. She served as mayor pro tem from July 2015 to June 2016 and is focusing her campaign on continual economic development.

Las Vegas Review Journal

As I watched President Donald Trump deliver his address to Congress on Tuesday, my mind often flashed back to President John F. Kennedy’s inaugural address in January 1961. What happened in the wake of that address would forever change the way I think about the character of the nation’s political leaders.