In The News: Department of Political Science

Las Vegas Sun

Las Vegas billionaire Robert Bigelow of Budget Suites of America and Bigelow Aerospace has donated at least $47 million during the midterm elections campaign cycle to mostly Republican causes, including closely watched contests for Nevada governor and several of the state’s federal races, according to campaign finance records.

This Is Reno

Amid a political climate where almost every issue seems to be distilled to Democrats versus Republicans, or conservative versus liberal, Question 3 has emerged to create strange bedfellows in Nevada.

Washington Post

The Latino vote in Nevada could determine the outcome of the close Senate race there, with the GOP hoping gains made by former president Donald Trump in that community in 2020 will lead to a victory in the 2022 midterms.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Thanks to mail-in ballots, more Clark County voters participated in the first weekend of early voting this year than in 2018, with Democrats outpolling Republicans.

Nevada Current

Amid a political climate where almost every issue seems to be distilled to Democrats versus Republicans, or conservative versus liberal, Question 3 has emerged to create strange bedfellows in Nevada.


Nevada voters will decide on three ballot questions as early voting begins in Clark County on Oct. 22.

Las Vegas Review-Journal En Español

Voters have received pamphlet after pamphlet from campaigns and organizations inviting them to vote for a candidate, an issue, or to vote in general.

Las Vegas Review-Journal En Español

Voters have received pamphlet after pamphlet from campaigns and organizations inviting them to vote for a candidate, an issue, or to vote in general.


Nevada has an acute shortage of affordable housing – but do Republicans or Democrats have practical answers to curb one of America’s most pressing issues?

The Telegraph

A short drive from the bright lights and buzz of the Las Vegas Strip, around 300 casino workers sit on trellis tables in a crowded union hall bundling flyers into their satchels. They are preparing to canvas for Catherine Cortez Masto, Nevada’s embattled Democrat, and the first Latina senator in history.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Voters have received brochure after brochure from campaigns and organizations urging them to vote for a candidate, issue or to vote in general.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Voters have received brochure after brochure from campaigns and organizations urging them to vote for a candidate, issue or to vote in general.