In The News: Department of Political Science

Telemundo Dallas

The issue tends to benefit Democrats, even in states like Arizona, which has undergone a major demographic shift with the arrival of more families from progressive states like California.

Las Vegas Review Journal

After the Nov. 8 midterm elections, one candidate will lose their race, and another candidate will win.

Swiss Info

The Republicans' onslaught against immigration ahead of the mid-term elections in the United States has failed to stop demographic changes in traditionally conservative states, which are increasingly lean more toward victory for the Democrats.

Fox News

Political experts say Hispanic voters and independents could be the deciding factor on which party takes control of Congress


It’s on the ballot in Nevada, and it may be coming soon to a state near you.


Early voting is up since the 2018 midterms across the country and in four of the six key states to watch for the 2022 midterms.


Early voting is up since the 2018 midterms across the country and in four of the six key states to watch for the 2022 midterms.


Nearly two-thirds of donations to US Senate candidates in this election cycle have come from out-of-state contributors instead of from possible constituents, reflecting an intense political tribalism in which control of Congress is prioritized over local issues.


"I'm on fire for the republican part because that's the party that doesn't give you false promises."

Nevada Current

The effort to turn out the vote in Nevada for the 2022 midterms may be complicated by the lingering hangover from 2020, when Republicans, spurred by Donald Trump, scoured the U.S. for signs of voter fraud.

This Is Reno

The effort to turn out the vote in Nevada for the 2022 midterms may be complicated by the lingering hangover from 2020, when Republicans, spurred by Donald Trump, scoured the U.S. for signs of voter fraud.

Las Vegas Sun

Observers are expressing increasing alarm over links between Jim Marchant, the Republican Nevada secretary of state candidate, and the radical conspiracy group QAnon, which calls for political violence in America as it circulates wild claims about the nation.