Accomplishments: Department of Political Science

John Tuman (Political Science) presented an invited paper titled, "The Electric Vehicle Transition in North America: A U.S. Perspective," in the seminar: La IAM: Entre la trampa y del ingreso medio, el T-MEC, la electromovilidad, y el nearshoring: Cuál future? [The Mexican Auto Industry: Between the Middle Income Trap, the USMCA Agreement,…
Andrew Lugg (Political Science) published an article in the journal Global Policy titled, "Politicising pandemics: Evidence from U.S. media coverage of the World Health Organisation." The article uses text-as-data methods to analyze media coverage of the World Health Organization (WHO) in the New York Times and Washington Post…
Zachary Billot (Political Science, Brookings Mountain West, Lincy Institute) was recently named a recipient of the Public Policy and International Affairs Junior Summer Institute Fellowship. Competing nationally, he was awarded a competitive spot among a cohort of 30 at Carnegie Mellon University. He will spend seven weeks engaging in rigorous…
Austin Horng-En Wang (Political Science) published a co-authored article, "High-Level Visit and National Security Policy: Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment in Taiwan," in International Interactions. This article exploits a rare opportunity when three U.S. senators visited Taiwan while a representative telephone survey was collecting data…
Austin Horng-En Wang and Nadia Eldemerdash (both Political Science) published an article, "National identity, willingness to fight, and collective action," in the Journal of Peace Research. This article challenges the theory of mobilization, arguing that the calculation of the collective action will be salient among citizens without a…
John Tuman (Political Science) and Hafthor Erlingsson, '19 Ph.D. Political Science, have published an article titled, "Autocratic Union Organization and Foreign Direct Investment in the Mexican Automotive Parts Sector, 2004-2018." The article appeared in the Journal of Labor and Society.
Zachary Billot (Political Science) has been selected as one of 60 U.S. students to participate in the prestigious, state-department sponsored, U.S.-Africa Green Leaders Fellowship, an eight-month fellowship designed to train and connect emerging environmental leaders in the United States and Africa.
David. Damore (The Lincy Institute, Brookings Mountain West, Political Science) published an analysis titled, "Blue metros, red state politics in the 2022 Nevada midterm elections," on the Brookings Institution's FixGox blog examining state and regional voting patterns in the recently completed 2022 midterm elections. The analysis finds that…
Zachary Billot (Political Science, Honors College, The Lincy Institute, Brookings Mountain West) recently had his Op-Ed titled, "Stuck Like Glue: Eating Meat in the Modern Era," published by the Institute for Youth in Policy. His piece discusses the contemporary societal implications of meat eating and the impacts of factory farming has…
The UNLV chapter of the National Political Science Honor Society, Pi Sigma Alpha, hosted Life After College, a panel series about career pathways after undergrad. Elizabeth Maltby (Political Science), Jared Oestman (Political Science), Brian Wall (Law), and Gerard Gosioco, J.D. ('12 BA), discussed potential careers in policy, academia, and law.…
Jorge Ardon Garcia (Political Science) was recognized as an Outstanding Emerging Leader for his work founding the political science club and his commitment to fostering virtual connections among students throughout the pandemic. 
Austin Horng-En Wang (Political Science) was invited by Hoover Institution at Stanford University to have a talk titled, "How The Ukraine Crisis Shapes Taiwan’s Public Opinion — And Beyond." Wang presented his research on Taiwan politics and its potential impact to the U.S.-China-Taiwan relationships. Through a series of survey, survey…