In The News: Department of Interdisciplinary, Gender, and Ethnic Studies


Women's sport is often trivialized and described as less interesting. Women in many disciplines are ignored, compared to male athletes. Many people see a woman in a sportsman, not a competitor. But this year's Tokyo Olympics may be a turning point in the history of women's competitive sport. Athletes from various disciplines objected to the dress code requirements.

La Ventisettesima Ora

Handball athletes such as German gymnasts have asked for the freedom to use competition clothing in which to feel more comfortable. But something is really changing.

Sunday Times Daily

This year’s Olympic Games have brought a number of non-sporting issues to the fore. May it continue.


The sports world has always placed restrictions on athletes' clothing.


The Tokyo Olympics could go down in history as the Games in which female athletes slammed the door on competing in skimpy outfits.

NBC News

"Far too often, attention is paid more on how female athletes look, versus their power, grit and performance," one expert says.

Ritz Herald

Millions of spectators tuned in Friday to watch the opening ceremony of the delayed 2020 Tokyo Olympics. But will the behind-the-scenes happenings keep viewers coming back for the next two weeks even more than the feats of athletic prowess?


Southern states have an opportunity to delve into their history to honor forgotten Blacks worthy of notice.

NBC News

Experts say debates about marketability have disguised racist ideas, particularly in the context of a sport considered so "traditionally American" and an undeniably skilled player who is Asian.

Washington Post

The battles over critical race theory and Southern heritage are really about a narrow, exclusionary reading of our past.


Native students at Nevada’s two land-grant universities feel they aren’t getting the support they need. But work is underway to change that.

Nevada Independent

The declaration of Juneteenth as a new federal holiday last week has drawn excitement in Nevada, along with a determination to ensure that the history and purpose of the holiday — which marks the day that one of the last groups of enslaved people in the U.S. was informed of emancipation — are learned and valued.