In The News: Department of Interdisciplinary, Gender, and Ethnic Studies

Las Vegas Review Journal

This week’s events at the University of Missouri haven’t gone unnoticed by staff and students at colleges in the Las Vegas Valley.


While we don’t claim to know everything about the path to a fulfilling existence, we are pretty sure that some part of it involves being a mostly not-shitty human. Which is why we put together this package to make you good(ish). And since it’s only good(ish), we aren’t going to tell you to quit watching porn (because then we'd have to, too?)—we are just going to try to make sure that your “me time” is spent watching porn that’s made as ethically as possible.

Vegas Magazine

Some of the most powerful women in Las Vegas give credit where it’s due—to the women who mentored them. And they’re paying it forward to another generation of rising stars in the city.


Kendra Gage talked about the first Olympics held in the United States and the state of female athletics at the turn of the 20th century.