In The News: Department of Psychology


We often think of first responders mainly as police, fire and emergency-medical professionals. In Las Vegas on Monday, NPR's Eric Westervelt found a small volunteer army of mental-health professionals, trauma counselors, psychiatrists and social workers who quickly fanned out to help some of the thousands who had witnessed the massacre up close.

News Medical

After four years of lab testing and complex neuro-decoding, a research team led by UNLV psychology professor James Hyman has struck a major breakthrough that could open the floodgates for research into the anterior cingulate cortex, or ACC, and how human brains learn.

Science Daily

After four years of lab testing and complex neuro-decoding, a research team led by UNLV psychology professor James Hyman has struck a major breakthrough that could open the floodgates for research into the anterior cingulate cortex, or ACC, and how human brains learn.

Las Vegas Review Journal

An undocumented immigrant has a baby. If she’s eligible for protection from deportation under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, the chances her child will have mental health issues are cut by half. That’s the conclusion of a Stanford University study released Thursday, which examined the use of mental health services of children born in the United States to undocumented immigrant parents. Even though the children studied were natural-born citizens themselves, having an undocumented parent made it more likely they would eventually be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder.

KLAS-TV: 8 News Now

The stabbing death of a 4-year-old child is shedding light on the larger issue of domestic violence in the Las Vegas valley.

Fox 21 News

Right now many parts of the country are dealing with extremely hot summer days. Here in southern Colorado, we’ve been in the 90s and even 100s in Pueblo. But it’s even hotter in Arizona and Nevada.


Emotional intelligence can mean the difference between behaving in a socially acceptable way and being considered to be way out of line. While most people will have heard of emotional intelligence, not many people really know how to spot it – in themselves or in others.

University Herald

Math anxiety can be a serious and prevalent problem not just for students but also for some professionals. You have this specific anxiety when soon as numbers and computations are encountered, your palm starts sweating and your heart begins to race.

Science News for Students

As your teacher passes out the math test, your palms turn sweaty. You notice that your heart has begun to race. Glancing down at the page, you suddenly forget those operations on which you had drilled only a few days earlier. Do you perform all additions first in a complex calculation, or all multiplications? What’s the multiplication table again for 9’s? Oh, you know it — well you’re pretty sure, right? Suddenly, you start to doubt a lot of things that you “know.”


New research published in the journal Sex Roles examined how women who choose to keep their own surname after marriage are perceived in the United States.


In news that will probably surprise absolutely no one, new research has shown that women who don’t change their names when they get married are perceived by other people to be much less committed to their marriages than those who do are.


In the context of equal rights, it has been possible for women since 1976 in Germany to choose their own last name at a wedding ceremony to the family name. Scientists from UNLV have now conducted a study in the United States examining how women who keep their maiden name are seen by their fellow humans.