In The News: Department of Psychology

Forskning & Framsteg

In the F&F article on inner speech, there was a list of five common types of inner experiences, according to psychology professor Russell T. Hurlburt: emotions, sensory sensations, inner speech, visual thinking, and unsymbolized thinking. I was surprised that music wasn't on the list. I imagine that a fairly large percentage of people can hear inner music in some form, not unlike how we experience inner speech.


What’s up with the “pick me” teen slang expression? According to Urban Dictionary, a pick-me girl “is a girl who seeks male validation by indirectly or directly insinuating that she is ‘not like the other girls.’”

Woman's World

Let’s face it: Being sick or injured isn’t fun. Whether it’s a bad cold or you’re recovering from surgery, being down for the count can cause you to sink into a depression after an illness. Fortunately, there are some simple steps that can help lift your spirits. Here, doctors reveal why you may experience depression after an illness, signs it’s more than just “the blues” and how to restore your sunny mood while you’re on the mend.


It’s the question every parent worries about – dreads, even. ‘Where do babies come from?” And tempting as it can be to blame the ‘aul stork once again, experts all agree that this is not the way to go about things when your kids get to an age where they start to wonder about these things.

Las Vegas Weekly

Las Vegas may seem like a magical place to the 41 million people that visit each year, but most of us understand that it’s great people who make that magic happen, every day and night, around the clock, 52 weeks each year.


We honor our moms on Mother’s Day, which is this Sunday. The history of that day is interesting. A few years after it was founded in 1908, the woman who started it all wanted it eliminated. Instead of a rallying cry for moms, she was angered that it had been commercialized by greeting card, flower and candy industries. Today, no one protests Mother’s Day. But as the social status of women has grown, women are still trying to attain equal status in the workplace, in wages, politics and more.


The US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) plans to reclassify marijuana to a Schedule III controlled substance from Schedule I. This shift would not only recognize the drug’s medicinal uses, but also acknowledge that it has less potential for abuse.


The US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) plans to reclassify marijuana to a Schedule III controlled substance from Schedule I. This shift would not only recognize the drug’s medicinal uses, but also acknowledge that it has less potential for abuse.


You might feel sweaty, breathless and exhausted after a workout — but chances are that burst of activity has also left you feeling pretty great too. Beyond building muscle, burning calories, improving flexibility and all the other physical benefits associated with exercise, working out also has a profound effect on your mental health thanks to the release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and endorphins that can help reduce stress, improve your mood (and sleep!) and contribute to a host of other positives for your overall well-being.


You might feel sweaty, breathless and exhausted after a workout — but chances are that burst of activity has also left you feeling pretty great too. Beyond building muscle, burning calories, improving flexibility and all the other physical benefits associated with exercise, working out also has a profound effect on your mental health thanks to the release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and endorphins that can help reduce stress, improve your mood (and sleep!) and contribute to a host of other positives for your overall well-being.

Poker News Daily

Before you read this, please be sure you are sitting down. What you are about to learn is so shocking that you might need some time to recover. Researchers from UNLV and the University of New Mexico (UNM) have found that sports bettors are more likely to binge drink than non-gamblers or those who partake in different types of gambling.

NBC Bay Area

Who comes first on Mother’s Day — moms with young kids or mothers-in-law and grandmothers? “So, let’s talk about Mother’s Day,” Mellissa Grice, a 53-year-old mom in North Carolina, said in a TikTok video, referencing a younger creator who declared the holiday solely for “moms in the trenches” of parenthood.