In The News: Department of Psychology

El Tiempo

A driver who stops suddenly, cuts off vehicles, or honks his horn unnecessarily is likely to disturb other motorists.

MEL Magazine

There are some tools athletes use to harness their anger that might help the rest of us.

Las Vegas Review Journal

A driver suddenly braking, cutting off vehicles or needlessly honking is certain to bother fellow motorists.


Besides coping with the pandemic, the start of the 2021 school year has had some bumps in Southern Nevada as administrators deal with everything from crazy TiikTok challenges to buses running hours late.

Business Mirror

Sending a child to school in the morning is a daily ritual for millions of families worldwide. Unfortunately, the attendance process has become highly disrupted due to Covid-19.


Researchers at UNLV say they’ve strengthened the link between Type II diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease, which saps brain function and has no cure.

Financial Review

Fans of the former CEO and alleged fraudster – and those who poke fun at her – are selling T-shirts, mugs, and other accessories referencing the ‘girlboss’.

Medical Dialogues

A team of neuroscientists from UNLV has confirmed the link between type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer's disease (AD) in a recent study published in the journal Communications Biology.

International Business Times

As the fraud case of Elizabeth Holmes enters its fifth week, merchandise both supporting and slamming the Theranos founder is available sold online.


You can purchase merchandise featuring the style or image of Elizabeth Holmes, founder of Theranos. Holmes fans and others who enjoy making fun of her sell mugs, t-shirts and other accessories that reference the "girlboss."

Neuroscience News

tudy shows chronic hyperglycemia impairs working memory performance and alters fundamental aspects of working memory brain networks. The findings strengthen the link between type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease.

Business Insider

Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes might be on trial for fraud, but merchandise showcasing her likeness is cropping up for sale all over the internet.