Accomplishments: Department of Psychology
Renato "Rainier" M. Liboro (Psychology) recently published an open-access, peer-reviewed article, "Catholic Family Ties: Sustaining and Supporting HIV-Positive Canadian Gay Men’s Faith, Mental Health, and Wellbeing," in the journal Religions. The aim of the community-based, participatory research study presented in this article was to…
Shane Kraus (Psychology) recently published three papers in the Journal of Behavioral Addictions. The first paper reported the psychometric properties of a new scale developed to assess for problematic pornography use (Validation of a Brief Pornography Screen across Multiple Samples). The second paper, The Development of the Compulsive Sexual…
Jennifer L. Rennels, Andrea J. Kayl, and Kirsty M. Kulhanek (all Psychology) published an article, "Individual Differences in Infants’ Temperament Affect Face Processing" in Brain Sciences for a special issue on The Study of Eye Movements in Infancy. This research demonstrates how infants' surgency and orienting affect their face…
Brenna Renn (Psychology) offered a review of a new tool that evaluates mental health apps in a recent Stat News article. This new tool was developed by researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and aims to help patients sort through the mental health app marketplace to make an informed decision about app quality, usability, and…
Andrew Freeman (Psychology) with Lauren Kenworthy, Allison Ratto, Cara E. Pugliese, John F. Strang from Children's National Medical Center, Katerina Dudley from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Kelly Powell from the Yale Child Study Center, and Laura Anthony from Children's Hospital of Colorado published "Preliminary Psychometrics for…
Alyssa Crittenden, Trevor Pollom, and Kristen Herlosky (all Anthropology) and Chad Cross (Medicine), along with Elle Ford, '17 BA Psychology, recently authored a paper, "Effects of a Mixed‐Subsistence Diet on the Growth of Hadza Children," in the American Journal of Human Biology. It explores the early effects of dietary transition among…
Shane Kraus (Psychology) recently published two books chapters. The first chapter, "Prevention and treatment of sexual addiction" is coming out in the Cambridge Handbook of Substance and Behavioral Addictions. The second chapter, "Digital technologies and sex: Internet and smartphone influences on pornography viewing and other sexual…
Shane Kraus (Psychology) will be offering a webinar on problem gambling among U.S. veterans (Gambling Problems in US Military Veterans) on June 12, sponsored by Center for the Application of Substance Abuse Technologies.
Shane Kraus (Psychology) and colleagues recently published a paper, "Addiction or Transgression? Moral Incongruence and Self-Reported Problematic Pornography Use in a Nationally Representative Sample" in Clinical Psychological Science.
Repairer Etuk (Psychology) and Tiange Xu (International Gaming Institute) received a pre-doctoral student network grant of $2,500 for their proposed project, Sports Betting around the World: A Systematic Review, from the International Center for Responsible Gaming. Their primary mentor is Shane Kraus (Psychology) and secondary mentors are Brett…
While we can't be together for the annual Campus Life Top Tier Awards this year, please join us in recognizing this year's nominees and winners. These awards span the different values of the Campus Life cluster including social justice, student and staff development, student engagement, economic viability, infrastructure,…
Shane Kraus (Psychology) and colleagues recently published a paper, "Examining Relations Between Obsessive-Compulsive Features, Substance-Use Disorders, and Antisocial Personality Disorder in the Vietnam Era Twin Cohort" in the International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction.