In The News: Department of Marketing and International Business

Marijuana Venture

Building and maintaining an online presence for your cannabis business has become critical in today’s increasingly competitive environment. But because federal legislation prohibits cannabis sales, marketing and advertising your products at the national level remains virtually impossible. While online marketing is one of the best ways to reach your target market, there are significant limitations that must be considered carefully before embarking on a digital cannabis campaign.

Nevada Business

Pursuing a career in business has traditionally gone hand-in-hand with a college degree. And, for those pursing a leadership role, an executive education is almost always a requirement. But times have changed and so have the requirements for success in business.


How do businesses get their placards on the Gas/Food/Lodging signs on highways? Is that a form of advertising or is it a well-intentioned wayfinding tool? Who pays whom?

Las Vegas Review Journal

The Board of Regents for Nevada’s higher education system could decide Thursday to overturn a COVID-19 vaccination requirement for employees, one day before nearly 550 workers who didn’t comply with the mandate face possible firing.

Las Vegas Review Journal

In the more than six weeks since the chancellor of the Nevada System of Higher Education complained that leaders of the Board of Regents had created a hostile workplace environment, the system has continued to operate with no outward signs of the strife taking place behind closed doors.

Las Vegas Review Journal

A good business leader is honest, has integrity and is willing to be held accountable, according to the Las Vegas Business Academy.


What should consumers watch out for when it comes to credit card promotions?

Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising

Branding Olympians on Twitter

U.S. News & World Report

A display of eloquence and poise during B-school interviews often leads to acceptance, experts say.


Many prestigious business schools place significant weight on a candidate’s admissions interview performance.

Las Vegas Weekly

With classes going online, the 2020-2021 school year marked an inflection point for higher education. And as Southern Nevada’s college students head back to UNLV and local community colleges, they’re returning to campuses that have fundamentally changed.

Vegas Inc

Jason Miller understands how hard a person needs to work to succeed in the Las Vegas business community.