In The News: Department of Communication Studies

The Economic Times

The study found that stress levels among women with children skyrocketed -- likely because blurred work-life balance boundaries meant they took on the brunt of juggling homeschooling and household chores alongside professional duties.


Research by UNLV communications expert Natalie Pennington finds that texts, video calls burdened the mental health of working moms during pandemic.


From natural disasters to high carbon dioxide levels, climate change is here.

Verywell Mind

No wonder burnout is on the rise.

Washington Post

When Sage Anastasi was a teenager, he spent a lot of time on Facebook, passionately defending social justice issues, such as queer rights or the legality of conversion therapy.

KLAS-TV: 8 News Now

Social media has played a big role during this pandemic and it can sometimes be misleading.


Filled with stories from numerous sources and spanning Tesla’s history from its early days to last year’s pandemic, Power Play painted a picture of how an incredibly determined Elon Musk practically willed Tesla into being, and how his ego and pettiness caused the company to pay the price more than once.

KSNV-TV: News 3

Officials with the World Health Organization fear misinformation about Covid-19 and the vaccine is keeping people from getting the shot.

News R

News and other social media platforms are showing videos of the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan that have spurred a roller-coaster of emotions for Saha Salahi, an Afghan American student at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.


Afghan families in the Las Vegas valley have raised concerns about their loved ones back in Afghanistan.

KSNV-TV: News 3

Learning loss, due to the pandemic, is a growing concern as children head back to the classroom.


And what to share with those who keep using them.