Department of Communication Studies News
The Department of Communication Studies offers programs focused on relational and public communication. We teach and deploy communication skills in interpersonal, small group, organizational, and political settings, which in turn helps others to develop critical thinking, writing, and speaking skills. Our goal is to best serve communication needs by training citizens to engage, motivate, and impact communities.
Current Communication Studies News
The rosiest headlines and highlights featuring the students and faculty of UNLV.
Tourist Safety Institute researchers scour social media to see how visitors perceive safety in Las Vegas.
Communication studies professor Laura Martinez researches how circus organizations and performers can support career longevity and physical health.
Headlines and highlights featuring the students and faculty of UNLV.
UNLV political debate expert Craig Hennigan explores how candidates prepare for discourse.

A monthly roundup of the top news stories featuring UNLV staff and students.
Communication Studies In The News
You’re probably familiar with the concept of a carbon footprint: a personal tally of transgressions that contribute to planet-warming emissions. The “carbon footprint” is well established in the climate movement’s lexicon, despite the guilt and shame that it evokes — and despite the fact that many people now know the term was popularized in an ad campaign by the oil company British Petroleum, a shockingly effective gambit to put the onus of addressing the climate crisis on individuals, not the corporations or governments that have contributed the most to the problem.

There’s now an easy way to turn any aspect of life into something to optimize — just add “-maxxing.” Gymmaxxing is about getting ripped. Moneymaxxing means accumulating wealth as fast as possible. Over the past couple of years, this social media-driven wellness fad has spread to more and more activities: Tanning is sunmaxxing; drinking plenty of water is watermaxxing. Even at night, the grind for self-improvement continues, with sleepmaxxing hacks designed to help you achieve peak rest.
There’s now an easy way to turn any aspect of life into something to optimize — just add “-maxxing.” Gymmaxxing is about getting ripped. Moneymaxxing means accumulating wealth as fast as possible. Over the past couple of years, this social media-driven wellness fad has spread to more and more activities: Tanning is sunmaxxing; drinking plenty of water is watermaxxing. Even at night, the grind for self-improvement continues, with sleepmaxxing hacks designed to help you achieve peak rest.

The rituals of European caviar service have changed little over centuries: mother-of-pearl spoons, champagne pairings, and precise instructions for savoring each briny pearl. Yet, while Europe maintains these traditions, scroll through TikTok today, and you'll find Americans creating their own traditions—most notably, taking “caviar bumps,” small portions of fish roe eaten off the back of the hand.

Dayna Galbreath and her husband had just months ago finished a renovation on their Altadena bungalow when the Eaton Fire tore through their neighborhood on January 8. Around 3:30 a.m., her phone rang out with a notification. “It basically said an evacuation order has been initiated for your area, and in big capital letters, it said, ‘GET OUT NOW.’”
Sports fans are gearing up for not just the Super Bowl and halftime show, but also the food associated with the annual event. Hot wings, pizza and multi-layered dip are among the country's favorite Super Bowl foods, new research has shown.
Communication Studies Experts